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UCL was established in 1826 to open up education in England for the first time to students of any race, class or religion. Its founding principles of academic excellence and research aimed at addressing real-world problems, inform the university’s ethos to this day.

More than 6,000 academic and research staff are dedicated to research and teaching of the highest standards. Nobel Prizes have been awarded to 29 former academics and graduates and UCL ranks consistently amongst the most-cited universities in the world.

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As London’s Global University, UCL has the opportunity and the obligation to use the breadth of its intellectual expertise to help resolve some of the world’s major problems. We are seizing this opportunity to develop an innovative cross-disciplinary research agenda, which will enable us to understand and address significant issues in their full complexity. Our vision extends beyond the common understanding of what a university is; we aim not just to generate knowledge, but to deliver a culture of wisdom – that is, an academic environment committed to the judicious application of knowledge for the good of humanity.

Find out about UCL’s Grand Challenges programme


Displaying 61 - 80 of 1535 articles

The United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) is the main relief organisation operating in the West Bank and Gaza. Khaled Omar/Xinhua

Gaza conflict: what is UNRWA and why is Israel calling for its abolition?

Destroying the main relief agency in Gaza would be a catastrophe for its people, most of whom have been displaced by the conflict and are desperate for food, shelter and medical supplies.
Circular irrigation for growing hay and alfalfa near Corcoran, Calif. − a water-intensive system that relies on groundwater pumping. George Rose/Getty Images

Humans are depleting groundwater worldwide, but there are ways to replenish it

Rapid and accelerating groundwater level declines are widespread in dry climates where groundwater is used for irrigation. But some communities have found ways to turn things around.
Les médicaments antirétroviraux pourraient diminuer le risque de sclérose en plaques ou atténuer les symptômes de la maladie, selon une nouvelle étude.

Les thérapies anti-VIH pourraient être efficaces contre la sclérose en plaques

Les personnes – et notamment les femmes – infectées par le VIH et suivant une thérapie antirétrovirale présentent un très réduit de développer une sclérose en plaques par rapport à la population générale.


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