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University of Michigan

Founded in 1817, the University of Michigan is widely recognized as one of the world’s leading research universities. The hallmark of the university is the breadth of excellence across its 19 schools and colleges and the exceptional degree of interdisciplinary cooperation among them.

With more than a billion dollars in research expenditures annually, and 100 graduate and professional programs ranked in the top ten in the latest U.S. News & World Report rankings, U-M is a global leader in science and technology; health, law and public policy; the arts and humanities; and a wide range of other academic disciplines.

More than 61,000 students on three University of Michigan campuses (Ann Arbor, Dearborn and Flint) come from every state and 129 countries. And with more than 540,000 living degree holders, U-M has one of the nation’s largest alumni bodies.

Discover more on the U-M website:


Displaying 221 - 240 of 768 articles

Cancer and organ transplant patients, people with untreated HIV and people with other immunodeficiencies are at high risk of severe COVID-19 infection. burakkarademir/E+ via Getty Images

Immunocompromised people make up nearly half of COVID-19 breakthrough hospitalizations – an extra vaccine dose may help

People with weakened immune systems are at a high risk of severe and prolonged COVID-19 infections. An extra vaccine dose can bolster protection.
Eating more fruits, vegetables and nuts can make a meaningful impact on a person’s health – and the planet’s too. kerdkanno/iStock via Getty Images Plus

Individual dietary choices can add – or take away – minutes, hours and years of life

A new study puts numbers to the health and environmental benefits – or impacts – of individual foods and shows how small changes can make a significant difference.
Food delivery couriers congregate in Turin, Italy. (Shutterstock)

6 challenges of being a gig worker during the COVID-19 pandemic

Gig work is entering almost every industry and changing the relationship between workers, employers, service providers and customers. But gig workers face new and unique challenges.
New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo, seen here in July 2021, announced on Aug. 10, 2021, that he would resign amid a sexual harassment scandal. Spencer Platt/Getty Images

Complicity and silence around sexual harassment are common – Cuomo and his protectors were a textbook example

Four scholars who study the role witnesses play in helping and protecting harassers say the role played by many in Cuomo’s office fit a pattern of silence, complicity and intimidation.
The Postal Service has over 30,000 retail locations in the U.S, including off the Appalachian Trail in Caratunk, Me. AP Photo/Robert F. Bukaty

Postal banking could provide free accounts to 21 million Americans who don’t have access to a credit union or community bank

About a quarter of census tracts with a post office lack a credit union or community bank, making the US Postal Service an efficient way to help more Americans get low-cost bank accounts.
Alexander Lukashenko, el líder autoritario de Bielorrusia, nunca ha reconocido la amenaza del COVID-19. Andrei Stasevich\TASS via Getty Images

5 mandatarios reprobados en manejo de la pandemia

Estos líderes, en mayor o menor medida, subestimaron la gravedad de la pandemia – con consecuencias mortales.
El presidente de Bielorrusia, Alexander Lukashenko, sin máscarilla, visita un hospital de Minsk para pacientes del covid-19, el 27 de noviembre de 2020. Andrei Stasevich\TASS vía Getty Images

Covid-19: Los cinco líderes que peor han gestionado la pandemia

La pandemia aún no ha terminado, pero estos líderes mundiales ya han ocupado su lugar en la historia por no haber combatido eficazmente el mortal coronavirus. Algunos de ellos ni siquiera lo intentaron.
Le président biélorusse Alexandre Loukachenko, sans masque, visite un hôpital pour les patients atteints de la Covid-19, à Minsk, le 27 novembre 2020. Andrei Stasevich\TASS via Getty Images

Voici les cinq dirigeants qui ont le plus mal géré la Covid-19 dans leur pays

La pandémie n’est pas terminée, mais ces dirigeants sont déjà entrés dans l’histoire pour avoir échoué à combattre efficacement la Covid-19. Certains d’entre eux n’ont même pas vraiment essayé.
The Morpheus secure processor works like a puzzle that keeps changing before hackers have a chance to solve it. Alan de la Cruz via Unsplash

Shape-shifting computer chip thwarts an army of hackers

Most computer security focuses on software, but computer processors are vulnerable to hackers, too. An experimental secure processor changes its underlying structure before hackers can figure it out.
Belarus President Alexander Lukashenko visits a hospital for COVID-19 patients, unmasked, in Minsk on Nov. 27, 2020. Andrei Stasevich\TASS via Getty Images

World’s worst pandemic leaders: 5 presidents and prime ministers who badly mishandled COVID-19

The pandemic’s not over yet, but these world leaders have already cemented their place in history for failing to effectively combat the deadly coronavirus. Some of them didn’t even really try.


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