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University of Nigeria

The main campus of the University of Nigeria is located in the heart of Nsukka town. It is a co-educational community that hosts about UNN students undertaking varieties of programmes ranging from the fine arts to the animal sciences. The main campus is home to the faculties of agriculture, arts, biological sciences, engineering, social sciences, education, pharmaceutical sciences, physical sciences, social sciences, and veterinary medicine, school of post graduate studies and institutes and research centres. Having arrays of residential structures, the main campus is structurally arranged in such a way that on one side, there are clusters of hostels sprinkled with places of leisure and relaxation and on the other cluster are beautiful staff residences surrounded with beautiful flower gardens. For lovers of aesthetics, the main campus is not lost to beauty and arts. With earthy tones and green vegetation, the campus also has works of arts placed at strategic points in the university, pleasant to the eyes relaxing to the mind.


Displaying 1 - 20 of 59 articles

Effective collaboration requires addressing hierarchical mindsets. Maryna Terletska/Moment via Getty Images

Global health research suffers from a power imbalance − decolonizing mentorship can help level the playing field

Though the Global South tends to experience higher disease burdens, most public health decisions and knowledge generation are centered in the Global North.

Nigerian health workers and absenteeism: study shows how personal and political relationships protect offenders

Health workers with relatives in positions of power were frequently absent from work.
Les commandos de marine français opèrent sur une vedette rapide au large de la Somalie, dans le golfe d'Aden. AYMERIC VINCENOT/AFP via Getty Images

Les océans d'Afrique sont protégés pour servir les intérêts des grandes entreprises étrangères

L'accent mis actuellement par les acteurs extra-régionaux est un projet d'élite qui sape une stratégie de sécurité maritime qui bénéficierait aux populations africaines.
Armed policemen patrol ahead of the last governorship election in Anambra state, southeast Nigeria. Pius Utomi Ekpei/AFP via Getty Images

Election violence in Nigeria’s south east is threatening to derail voting in the region

Attacks on electoral materials and election commission officials in the south-east region of Nigeria could have serious implications for the overall success of 2023 presidential election.
Parents of students abducted from Bethel Baptist High School, Kaduna State, north-west Nigeria, pray inside the school premises. Kola Sulaimon/AFP via Getty Images

Violent extremism could beckon in north-western Nigeria if local dynamics are ignored

To stem the tide of violent extremism across the Sahel region, especially northwest Nigeria, the vulnerabilities and grudges of border communities need to be properly addressed.


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