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University of Oxford

The University of Oxford is the oldest university in the English-speaking world. Teaching has taken place at Oxford since 1096. Oxford has the largest volume of world-leading research in the country, rating top in the REF power rankings published by Research Fortnight. Oxford’s research involves more than 70 departments, almost 1,800 academic staff, more than 5,000 research and research support staff, and more than 5,600 graduate research students. The University has 38 independent colleges to which undergraduate and graduate students belong. Oxford has the highest research income from external sponsors of any UK university: £478.3m in 2013/14. The University has pioneered the successful commercial exploitation of academic research and invention, creating more than 100 companies, and files more patents each year than any other UK university.


Displaying 221 - 240 of 1923 articles

Manifestantes argentinos marchan en el Día de la Memoria en marzo de 2022, 46 años después del golpe de Estado militar, para exigir que se haga justicia. JHG / Alamy

Plan Cóndor: por qué las víctimas de la represión que arrasó Sudamérica siguen luchando por la justicia

Instigada por múltiples gobiernos de América del Sur, la Operación Cóndor dio lugar a cientos, posiblemente miles, de violaciones de derechos humanos y ejecuciones extrajudiciales.
The Day of Memory for Truth and Justice is held every year in the Plaza de Mayo in Buenos Aires commemorating the victims of the military dictatorship, March 24 1976 to December 10 1983. Esteban Osorio/Alamy

Finding Ukraine’s stolen children and bringing perpetrators to justice: lessons from Argentina

Hundreds of children were stolen from their parents during the dictatorship in Argentina, but over the years some have been reunited with their families.
Chris Hemsworth as Thor in Marvel Studios’ The Dark World from 2013. Maximum Film / Alamy

Why Old Norse myths endure in popular culture

Ancient tales of gods and heroes and medieval Scandinavia help us make sense of things like masculinity, betrayal, revenge and the end of the world.


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