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University of Portsmouth

The University of Portsmouth is a modern university with a strong reputation for quality teaching and sustained, high levels of student satisfaction. Its academics possess notable research strengths and are international experts pushing the boundaries of knowledge in their respective fields.

Over 3,000 staff supports the cohort of nearly 22,000, which includes 3,000 students from over 140 countries.


Displaying 681 - 700 of 713 articles

Up close and personal with the demon shrimp. Amaia Green Etxabe - University of Portsmouth

Coming to a river near you: the invasion of the intersex demon shrimp

Demon vs killer shrimp sounds like the latest CGI movie to come out of Hollywood. But in fact these are two particularly pernicious crustaceans that have been making their way westward across Europe from…
Groups like Stonewall have become big players in the workplace. Linzi

How activist groups became a force in workplace relations

A key event in the British employment calendar is the publication of the Workplace Equality Index each January. It is a ranking of the top-100 “gay-friendly” employers by Stonewall, the UK’s main campaigning…
Planck telescope and the Cosmic microwave background. ESA and Planck

BICEP2 ‘gravity wave’ finding clouded by interstellar dust

In March, scientists working on the BICEP2 experiment, a microwave telescope based at the South Pole, announced that they had seen ‘gravity waves’ from the early universe, created just after the Big Bang…
Once through the grinder, food fraud hard to track through DNA. Meat grinder by Shutterstock

Food fraud is still hard to detect – so follow the money

Food fraud is a huge problem in the UK, and much of it is as a result of organised crime. Unfortunately, as the report of the Elliott Review on the 2013 horsemeat scandal now points out, there is too little…
The 798 Factory in Beijing has been developed into the 798 Art Zone. dominiqueb

Industrial sites of old can be the cities of the future

The buildings from our recent industrial past can offer some exciting new places for the future, with a heritage character and sense of place. With some creative thinking and ambition, these sites can…
Impressive - but only as back-up to ground forces. EPA/Cpl. Jamean Berry

What Obama is telling the world by bombing Islamic State in Iraq

As the Islamic State (IS) continues its seemingly unstoppable march across Iraq it advertises its unique anti-Christian, anti-Shia, anti-everybody brand of Islam on social media as medieval barbarism meets…
Webb at the 2010 World Cup final. Just don’t mention Nigel de Jong… EPA

Howard Webb’s new job is to train a generation of super-refs

Howard Webb, one of modern football’s most successful referees, has announced his retirement. Webb achieved much in his career, most notably in 2010 taking charge of the finals of both the World Cup and…
WANT. Dog jealousy by Shutterstock. Martina Osmy/Shutterstock

How does Fido really feel? Jealousy is not just for humans

Are animals jealous? How would we know? Scientists are educated to have a deep scepticism about attributing sophisticated mental abilities to non-human animals. Anthropomorphism is regarded as a scientific…

Cut referees some slack, most have done a good job

In a tournament of 64 games, there were bound to be issues of contention, especially in a competition that carries so many national hopes with it. But the general standard of refereeing has been good throughout…

The tricky business of cross-cultural refereeing

The World Cup brings together teams, players, fans and also referees from every corner of the globe. The cultural differences that exist between them can be stark, especially for referees. While players…
Amphipods on anti-depressants found their lives brightened, right up until they were eaten. Arnold Paul

Prozac alters prawns’ behaviour, reproduction and even their colour

The idea that tiny amounts of antidepressants present in our rivers and estuaries may be affecting aquatic life is generally met with surprise, sometimes scepticism, or even a degree of humour. The public…
OK, who’ll give me a tenner for this? Eva Rinaldi

Crowdfunding isn’t just about money Mr Dyson

Serial entrepreneur and inventor James Dyson has spoken out against crowdfunding, arguing that the emerging trend is no good for supporting meaningful inventions. However, Dyson may have overlooked some…


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