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University of Southern Queensland

The University of Southern Queensland is dedicated to providing quality programs and degrees in a flexible and supportive environment. In just over 50 years, it has become a prominent teaching and research institution providing education worldwide from three regional locations – Toowoomba, Springfield and Ipswich.


Displaying 101 - 120 of 425 articles


Attending school every day counts – but kids in out-of-home care are missing out

Attendance at school is crucial to improving educational outcomes for students. Unfortunately, children in out-of-home care face myriad challenges when it comes to attending school every day.
An Eta Aquariid meteor (centre) along with comet C/2020 F8 (SWAN) in the background, photographed during the 2020 Eta Aquariid shower. Photo by Jonti Horner

The Eta Aquariid meteor shower is set to light up the skies. Here’s how to get the best seat in the house

Each year, the Earth runs through a broad river of dust surrounding Comet Halley – giving birth to the spectacular Eta Aquariid meteor shower.

Pandemi mengungkap dampak baik dari WFH, tapi bagi dosen perempuan, bekerja dari rumah merupakan beban

Saat bekerja dari rumah, wanita berjuang lebih dari pria untuk menemukan waktu untuk upaya berkelanjutan yang diperlukan untuk menghasilkan penelitian yang baik dan dapat diterbitkan.

Many of us welcome working from home, but universities show its dangers for women’s careers

When working from home, women struggled more than men to find time for the sustained effort needed to produce good, publishable research. Lack of thinking time is a problem for all knowledge workers.
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Curious Kids: Apa ada kehidupan di galaksi lain?

Mungkin ada lebih dari satu juta planet di alam semesta untuk setiap butir pasir di Bumi. Itu banyak sekali planetnya. Dugaan saya adalah bahwa mungkin ada kehidupan di tempat lain di Semesta.


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