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University of Sydney

Established in 1850, the University of Sydney was Australia’s first tertiary education institution. It is committed to maximising the potential of its students, teachers and researchers for the benefit of Australia and the wider world.


Displaying 541 - 560 of 4806 articles

Overall winner of the 2018 competition, a Growling Grass Frog (Litoria raniformis) by EnviroDNA @enviro_DNA. @enviro_DNA

Enough with the koala cakes – the government’s annual Threatened Species Bake Off seriously neglects fish, plants and other lesser-loved species

Our research looked at data from the government’s annual baking competition. Upon close analysis, we find a dangerous lack of diversity and biases towards cute, cuddly mammals.
Evan Agostini/AP

Should Australia let Kanye West in?

Character grounds have long been cited as a reason for denying visas to visit Australia. And politics is usually just beneath the surface.
Ali Jam Productions Photography

Photos from the field: our voyage investigating Australia’s submarine landslides and deep-marine canyons

From a shipwreck to ancient dunes, these researchers created 3D visualisations of seafloor features around Australia – from as shallow as 22 metres to depths of over 4.8 kilometres.
Malgré des années de politiques d'austérité salariale et le retour de l'inflation, les mouvements de protestation, comme ici en juin à Sydney, n'ont été que très épisodiques en Australie, en partie du fait de la loi. Saeed Khan / AFP

États-Unis, Royaume-Uni, Espagne… Quelles perspectives pour l’action syndicale dans le monde en 2023 ?

À quelques jours du mouvement des syndicats français contre la réforme des retraites, les experts de The Conversation vous proposent un panorama mondial de la mobilisation sociale.
Iranian man Mohammad Mahdi Karami at a court hearing on January 5, 2023. Karami was executed on January 7 for allegedly being involved in anti-government protests. Iranian state TV/EPA/AAP

Iran executions: the role of the ‘revolutionary courts’ in breaching human rights

Criminal trials in these courts often occur behind closed doors presided over by clerics, and there’s often no evidence beyond a confession extracted by means of torture.


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