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Articles on Toxins

Displaying 1 - 20 of 50 articles

Activists in Newark, N.J., offer tours that teach visitors about the city’s legacy of industrial pollution and environmental racism. Charles Rotkin/Corbis via Getty Images

The importance of shining a light on hidden toxic histories

Societies celebrate heroes and commemorate tragedies. But why is there so little public acknowledgment of environmental disasters?
Mosquito eggs float on the surface of a pond. The insecticide Bti is used to kill mosquito larvae, but it could also harm frogs. (Shutterstock)

Are mosquito-killing natural pesticides unintentionally harming frogs?

The insecticide Bti kills target organisms like mosquitoes and blackflies, but new research shows it may also have negative effects on non-target species like frogs.
Environmentally dangerous dumps, landfills and pulp and paper mills are more likely to be sited in African Nova Scotian and Mi'kmaw communities. These communities suffer from high rates of cancer and respiratory illness. (Shutterstock)

Environmental racism: New study investigates whether Nova Scotia dump boosted cancer rates in nearby Black community

Black residents of Shelburne, N.S., spent decades living near a dump, worrying about its possible connection to elevated cancer rates. A new study will investigate the dump’s long-term consequences.
A night of revelry can mean an uncomfortable day after. Everett Collection/

Hangovers happen as your body tries to protect itself from alcohol’s toxic effects

Researchers know the basic biology of what happens to your system after a night of heavy drinking. Unfortunately, evidence-based cures for the common hangover are still at the investigation stage.

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