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Articles on Accident

Displaying 1 - 20 of 28 articles

Research shows that night waking in infancy is associated with behavioural control challenges at three and four years of age. (Shutterstock)

Children and sleep: How much do they really need?

Poor sleep in infants and children has been linked to an array of problems, from aggression to poor school performance to diabetes, obesity and suicide. Our expert reviews the science.
Jefferson County Sheriff Cadet Andrew Sevitts directs traffic as police stop drivers to see if they are under the influence of drugs or alcohol at a mobile Driving Under the Influence (DUI) checkpoint in Golden, Colorado in 2008. Rick Wilking/Reuters

Drunk driving laws don’t match the research

Research suggests lower blood alcohol concentration limits and interventions like ignition interlocks can make a big difference.
The makers of GPS devices are among the many factors and actors whose role in road safety has not been fully considered. flickr/Schu

The ‘fatal five’ causes of road trauma: who’s in control?

The focus is on reducing the “fatal five” behaviours that cause road trauma: speeding, drink and drug driving, not wearing seatbelts, fatigue and driving while distracted.
A lifejacket won’t save your life if you are not wearing it, says NSW Martime. But any accident investigation needs to ask more than just why a lifejacket was not being worn. Flickr/NSW Maritime

Accident prevention should look at the big picture of what went wrong

When accidents happen we need to look at the real cause of why things went wrong instead of just looking for someone to blame.

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