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Articles on America

Displaying 61 - 68 of 68 articles

The blurring of the line between the military and the police, especially in the US, is now on the political agenda following recent events in Ferguson, Missouri. EPA/Roberto Rodriguez

Urban combat: Ferguson and the militarisation of police

Anyone watching the footage coming out of Ferguson, Missouri in recent days would be forgiven for thinking they had tuned into a scene from a combat zone, rather than suburban America. There has been a…
Excessive use of force? EPA/David Carson

Michael Brown, Ferguson and the nature of unrest

The death of Michael Brown is heartbreaking, and Michelle and I send our deepest condolences to his family and his community at this very difficult time … I know the events of the past few days have prompted…
America has never apologised for its own passenger plane shooting incident. EPA

History shows US response to MH17 will be all talk, no action

President Barack Obama has declared the apparent shooting down of a Malaysia Airlines passenger plane over Ukraine is a “terrible tragedy” and warned that “the world is watching”. He has offered full assistance…
Where to for Don Draper and the kind of man he is in Mad Men’s final season? Courtesy of FOXTEL

Inside the Mad Men: Don Draper and American masculinity

This weekend, AMC’s Mad Men returns to TV screens for its final season, due to be shown in two halves, this year and next. In its six seasons to date the period drama has won plaudits for its writing and…
Accused: Kenya’s deputy president William Ruto in the dock at the ICC this week. ICC-CPI

International Criminal Court is not just for hunting Africans

The first of what are arguably the two most important trials in the short history of the International Criminal Court (ICC) have begun. Kenya’s deputy president, William Ruto, stood in the dock this week…

6% of adults online use Reddit

New studies from the Pew Research Centre show 6% of online adults in America use Reddit, with 15% of male internet users…
Bombings at the site of the Boston Marathon have killed at least three people. EPA/Stuart Cahill/The Boston Herald

Too close to home: the Boston Marathon bombing

The terrorist attack on the Boston Marathon calls up a number of questions that have no easy answers. As someone who once lived next to the scene of the attack and who experienced terrorist attacks while…

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