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Articles on America

Displaying 41 - 60 of 68 articles

A portrait of US President-elect Donald Trump guards a residential backyard in Iowa, complete with lights and security cameras. Tony Webster/flickr

Trump, the unspeakable and democracy in America

The better-to-do and the established of civil and political society have become complacent and deaf to ‘those at the bottom’. The working class has gone over to the right-wing populists.
The Wigwam Motel in Holbrook, Arizona, is one of the few remnants of America’s mid-20th century motel boom. Library of Congress

The twilight of the mom and pop motel

What does the shuttering of traditional roadside motels say about America’s relationship with travel and freedom?
Presidents Hollande and Obama. Is it still possible for nation states to build a global alliance against organisations such as Daesh? Reuters/Jonathan Ernst

States and gangs: the difficult search for new ways to run the world

To save mankind from the scourge of war… These eight words drawn from the preamble to the Charter of the United Nations have been ringing in my head for the past week. Most believe that they were penned…
Summer camps are popular in the States, so why don’t Aussie kids adopt the practice? Flickr/Camp Pinewood

Should Aussie kids go on US-style summer camps?

Summer camps popular in the US are said to stop the summer “learning slide”, which is particularly important for low socio-economic children. But camps can also be quite expensive. So should we adopt the practice here?
Corporate infiltration of expert advice is a battleground on both sides of the Atlantic. Igor Stevanovic

Why a US battle over corporate hijacking of science matters in Europe

On both sides of the Atlantic it would appear that evidence-based policy is in jeopardy. The scientific advice that government and regulators rely upon to inform their decision-making is under attack…

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