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Articles on Anti-discrimination laws

Displaying 21 - 34 of 34 articles

Campaigning in Wentworth, Liberal candidate Dave Sharma, appearing at a candidates’ forum, denounced discrimination against teachers, and said the 2013 law should be changed. Dean Lewins/AAP

View from The Hill: Conservatives may come to regret stirring hornets’ nest of religious freedom

Some Liberals who agitated for action on religious freedom might be starting to appreciate that the best stand for a conservative can sometimes be to just leave things alone.
The Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination has begun its two-day review of Australia’s record on racial equality. Shutterstock

Australia’s record on racial equality under the microscope

Australia’s track record on racial equality and tackling racism is under review – and the findings will have significant implications.
Eight teams will take to the field for the second AFLW season – but transgender woman Hannah Mouncey will not be among them. AAP/Dan Peled

By excluding Hannah Mouncey, the AFL’s inclusion policy has failed a key test

The decision to exclude transgender woman Hannah Mouncey from the AFLW may breach anti-discrimination law, and contradicts the AFL’s public position of embracing diversity and inclusivity.
Our first episode of Trust Me, I’m An Expert tackles the debate unfolding as Australia contemplates changing the Marriage Act to allow same-sex couple to marry. Axel Heimken/dpa

Trust Me, I’m An Expert: a lawyer, a biblical scholar and a fact-checker walk into the same-sex marriage debate…

Trust Me, I’m An Expert: Episode 1 The Conversation, CC BY-ND81.9 MB (download)
In this episode of Trust Me I'm An Expert, we're wading into the same-sex marriage debate with experts on the Bible and the law, and fact-checking claims that kids do best with a mother and a father.
Educafro, a Brazilian black activist movement, protested in 2012 to demand more affirmative action programs for higher education. AP Photo/Eraldo Peres

Affirmative action around the world

‘Positive discrimination’ policies around the world are on the rise. What might other countries teach the U.S. about attaining racial, economic and gender equality in higher education?
The controversy over transgender bathroom rights rages on. Lucy Nicholson/Reuters

The transgender bathroom controversy: Four essential reads

Trump has reversed Obama’s landmark guidance allowing transgender students the bathroom of their choice. Here’s what you need to know about the controversy.

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