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Articles on Culture

Displaying 261 - 280 of 333 articles

A JR giant. © Beatriz Garcia

Why art needs to retake the Olympic stage

It’s time to finally put art on the Olympic map, prove the sceptics wrong, and renew and advance some of the more tired aspects of the Games staging process.
The decolonisation of South Africa’s university curriculum seems to have fallen off the agenda, overtaken by the push for free higher education. Shutterstock

Decolonisation debate is a chance to rethink the role of universities

The decolonisation debate in South Africa’s universities raises critical issues about the relationship between power, knowledge and learning.
Joel Ormsby/flickr

Raising chisel to stone, and making art

The first Australian National Playwrights Centre (ANPC) was founded in 1973 – the age of bongs, thongs and social wrongs. Australian drama was by then well into its Biggest Renaissance Ever. The Pram Factory…
Singapore and Australia have a lot in common. Shutterstock

In a glass clearly: Singapore and Australia compared

You can drive across Singapore (population 5.5 million) in 45 minutes – roughly the same time it takes to reach Gawler from the Adelaide CBD. As an equatorial island, the climate is warm all the year round…
Jason Watkins and Jane Horrocks, as Gavin and Julie in Trollied, elevate anxiety to an art-form. Sky1

Trollied: serves you (just) right

For the comic protagonist, the literary critic Northrop Frye once observed, life is something you get through. While tragic characters die in plangent splendour, and Marvel superheroes vanquish tech-spangled…
On the hunt for other cultures. Shutterstock/Gorosi

What does an anthropologist actually do?

Ask any anthropologist what they do and they will find it hard to give you a direct answer. But it ultimately comes down to studying people and their culture.
Sathima Bea Benjamin was seldom recognised during her lifetime as a performer. Ian Bruce Huntley

The marginalised African Songbird who finally became visible again

It took ages for one of African jazz’s hidden masterpieces to be reissued. Still today, four decades later, 1976’s ‘African Songbird’ tells volumes about the politics of the time.
Koori women Treahna Hamm, Vicki Couzens and Lee Darroch wear ‘Biaganga’, traditional possum coats at the Melbourne Museum’s Aboriginal Cultural Centre in Melbourne. Julian Smith/AAP

How living museums are ‘waking up’ sleeping artefacts

Museums are cracking open the temperature-controlled, dehumidified display cases and inviting people in. Working with Aboriginal communities is reawakening cultural connections and ancient art forms.
Our visions of the future embrace huge, glittering cities, but Sydney has a case of the little town blues. Warner Bros.

The 24/7 city, creativity and the lockout laws

The city, with its carnivalesque excesses, has long been a muse for artists. But Sydney’s lockout laws infantilise its citizens and stifle activity.
Viewed through human activities, the Internet is becoming ever more heterogeneous as more non-Western populations get online. genista/Flickr

Reimagining the Internet as a mosaic of regional cultures

Mapping Web usage shows a new picture of the Internet, one without its core in the West, but rather a mosaic of online regional cultures that mirror offline regional cultural identities.

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