Design thinking involves challenging assumptions and redefining problems to identify alternative strategies and solutions that might not be immediately apparent.
In our post-COVID age of climate change catastrophe, disabled people are ideally equipped to imagine how to overcome barriers to an inclusive world. Andy Jackson led a collaboration of disabled writers.
The role of prosthetic devices in the lives of people with limb loss cannot be overestimated. But acquiring prosthetic limbs can be challenging and expensive for patients.
Disabilities can involve physical, emotional or cognitive impairments, and addressing these needs requires a holistic approach that considers health, social and environmental factors.
Fast population growth has left more people in flood-prone areas of Gulf Coast communities, including Houston and New Orleans. Often, those residents at most risk are the most socially vulnerable.
If sport is for everyone, sport must be (re)imagined in ways that make it more accessible for all bodies. We have an ethical responsibility to change sport to make it meaningfully inclusive for all.
Parasports couldn’t exist without classifying competitors by their physical and mental limitations. But the process is far from perfect, and a handful of athletes have tried to game the system.
The London Paralympics in 2012 helped change the way people think about disability and sport. A new exhibition reveals the history and continuing evolution of para sport and how it is received.
It’s been a long road, but the government has pushed through NDIS reforms – and lost a lot of political currency with the disability community in the process.
Most people with knee osteoarthritis can control their pain and improve their mobility without surgery, according to updated treatment guidelines. Here’s how.
Some characteristics of the work and study setting – support, safety and flexibility – on ABC show The Assembly would be great to see in ‘real world’ workplaces and universities.
‘Flawed messenger’ Fred C. Trump III, Donald Trump’s nephew, illustrates his uncle’s cruel streak in his new memoir, with firsthand observations of a racist slur and dismissing people with disability.
By adopting the lessons from this initiative, Canadian sports programs can enhance their inclusivity and provide better opportunities for children with autism to participate and thrive in sports.
A pioneering effort that allowed a teenager with a neck injury to play pinball sheds light on today’s vibrant community of esports players with disabilities.
Associate Professor, Rehabilitation, Ageing and Independent Living Research Centre and Occupational Therapy Department, School of Primary and Allied Healthcare, Monash University
Professor of Social Inclusion - UTS Business School - Co-Lead UTS Disability Research Network - Australian Centre for Olympic and Sport Studies - Centre for Sport, Business and Society, University of Technology Sydney