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Articles on Medication

Displaying 41 - 59 of 59 articles

Safeway pharmacist Ronak Amin is shown at his work station at the store in Wheaton, Maryland, February 13 2015. Gary Cameron/Reuters

Can pharmacists help fill the growing primary care gap?

Pharmacists are trained to do far more than dispensing medicine, but outdated policies keep them from taking on a greater role in patient care.
Kim Kardashian neglected to mention a morning sickness drug’s side effects when she promoted it, which violated US regulations. AAP/Peter Foley

Drug ads only help Big Pharma’s bottom line, so why are they allowed?

Pharmaceutical companies can use prescription medication ads to mislead an unwitting public for the sake of profits. While Australia prohibits such ads, the laws don’t go far enough.
Look for a warning on the box before you attempt to crush or chew tablets, or cut capsules open. Erin/Flickr

Health Check: is it OK to chew or crush your medicine?

Some people are incapable of swallowing tablets because of physical or psychological reasons. What should they do when the doctor prescribes a drug that comes in tablet form?
Why are hospitals running out of critical drugs? IV drip via Bhakpong/Shutterstock

Drug shortage crisis puts public health at risk

Hospitals and pharmacies around the country are facing severe shortages of essential drugs. These shortages can limit access to critical medications and compromise patient safety, resulting in serious…

T-cells reject organ transplants

Immune system cells, called T-cells, fight foreign tissue which often results in the rejection of transplanted organs, researchers…

Remote medication delivery a success

The first in-human testing of a wireless medication dispenser was a success, according to a study published in the latest…
The outcome of the negotiations will have far-reaching consequences for access to medicines in participating countries.

Trade talks set to undermine access to medicines for the world’s poor

Trade negotiations currently being conducted behind closed doors could see a major setback to providing access to essential medicines for the world’s poorest people. The Trans Pacific Partnership Agreement…

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