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Articles on Pharmacy

Displaying 41 - 60 of 79 articles

When people went to their GP asking for painkillers, they weren’t prescribed higher doses of codeine or stronger opioids, as some feared. from

Here’s what happened when codeine was made prescription only. No, the sky didn’t fall in

When codeine became a prescription only drug in 2018, the number of overdoses dropped, our new research shows. But restricting sales of codeine is only one way to reduce harm from opioids.
Clinical trials are important, but can’t get us to medicine prescribing that is 100% effective. Image Point Fr/

Why drug trials are only part of the answer to making sure medicines work

Clinical trials are used to establish that medicines work. But these don’t take into account the genetic differences between us that can mean very different outcomes for different patients.
Supermarket pharmacies have been around in the US, UK and mainland Europe for years. But will Australia follow? from

A loaf of bread and a packet of pills: how supermarket pharmacies could change the way we shop

If Australia follows international trends and allows supermarkets to open pharmacies, what are the effects on neighbouring pharmacies? And when does running a business mean health care suffers?
The current rules seek to ensure most Australians have access to a pharmacy staffed by a highly skilled professional with a pharmacy degree. Shutterstock

Relaxing pharmacy ownership rules could result in more chemist chains and poorer care

Only pharmacists can own a pharmacy and you can’t set one up within 1.5km of an existing one. But calls to loosen these rules could give health companies a green light to set up more chemist chains.
More women would favour the pill over less reliable forms of contraception if it was available without prescription. Image Point Fr/Shutterstock

Over-the-counter contraceptive pill could save the health system $96 million a year

New modelling shows skipping the need for a doctors’ prescription and going straight to a pharmacist for the pill could save the health system A$96 million a year and improve women’s health outcomes.
We may soon have access to a greater variety of medicines without the need to get a prescription from our GP. From

Making more drugs available ‘over the counter’ would be a win for the public and the health care system

A greater number of medicines may soon be available without a prescription. Under the right circumstances, this would mean you could bypass the doctor and access the treatments you need more quickly.
A new statistical test lets scientists figure out if two groups are similar to one another. paleontologist natural/

The equivalence test: A new way for scientists to tackle so-called negative results

A new statistical test lets researchers search for similarities between groups. Could this help keep new important findings out of the file drawer?
Michelle Holley holds a photograph of her daughter Jaime Holley, 19, who died of a heroin overdose in November 2016. Lynne Sladky/AP Photo

The opioid epidemic in 6 charts

Your guide to a public health crisis that’s likely to get worse.
Canada spends more per capita on prescription drugs than most other OECD countries. (Shutterstock)

Why Canada should introduce universal drugs coverage

Canada is the only nation with a broad public health system lacking universal coverage for pharmaceuticals. Despite fears that pharmacare would be too costly, it could end up saving Canadians money.

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