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Articles on Society

Displaying 221 - 238 of 238 articles

The Large Hadron Collider is playing a key role in enabling the collection of big data. Supplied

The big data challenge and how Africa can benefit

Big data is about processing large amounts of data. It is often associated with multiplicities of data. But the ability to generate data outpaces the ability to store it.
Future technology won’t just be a gadget we use, it will re-structure our societies. Sergey Nivens/Shutterstock

Tomorrow’s technology will lead to sweeping changes in society – it must, for all our sakes

Throughout history, whenever new technologies have emerged that change our means of production and ability to communicate they have tended to transform society. The rapid technological development of the…
Ched Evans takes a drink while playing for Sheffield United in 2010. Jon Candy

Ched Evans: the legality and ethics of hiring a convicted rapist

As the directors of Oldham Athletic football club consider their options over the possible hiring of Ched Evans, the case of the convicted rapist trying to go back to work has thrown up a catalogue of…
Empires were built through the art of war. kaptainkobold

Computer simulations reveal war drove the rise of civilisations

According to British historian Arnold Toynbee, “History is just one damned thing after another.” Or is it? That is the question Peter Turchin of the University of Connecticut in Storrs tries to answer…
This election is a serious choice about the type of society we want to become. AAP

Creating space for the leadership Australia needs

In a recent lecture, Ross Garnaut argued that after decades of prosperity, Australians must now choose between two radically different approaches to our problems. The choice is between a “business as usual…
From White Australia onwards, have the attitudes of Australian society and the government on migration and asylum really changed over time? EPA/Stringer

From White Australia to stopping the boats: attitudes to asylum seekers

For a nation largely comprised of “boat people”, asylum has generated the most debate, and at times hysteria, of all immigration matters in Australia. Is this due to what multiculturalism academic Ghassan…
Eddie McGuire has found himself trying to explain away his ‘brain-fade’ where he vilified Sydney player Adam Goodes. AAP Image/David Crosling

Eddie McGuire, Adam Goodes and ‘apes’: a landmark moment in Australian race relations

Collingwood president Eddie McGuire’s week has seen him go from - to use the American sporting vernacular - hero to zero. Having been lauded for his response to a young female Collingwood supporter calling…

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