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Articles on Sports

Displaying 441 - 460 of 539 articles

Changing a centuries-old format will take some big thinking. vittoriocarvelli/DeviantArt

Making the case for a new Olympics model

With the one-city format no longer viable, an Olympics expert proposes a radical new vision for the format of the Olympic Games. It actually makes a lot of sense.
Donald Trump embraces legendary basketball coach Bobby Knight at a campaign rally in Indianapolis, Indiana. Jim Young/Reuters

Trump’s dog whistle: the white, screwed-over sports icon

Politicians are often eager to embrace the support of sports stars. But when Donald Trump trots out a very specific type of athlete and coach at his events, who’s he really trying to appeal to?
Indiana University football coach Kevin Wilson explains VR-enabled training to his players. Indiana University Athletics

Athletes look for an edge in a new place: virtual reality

Virtual reality technology is a radical departure from traditional video presentation, with myriad applications in both consumer media and in athletic practice.
Eye in the sky: the ‘spidercam’ is just one of the technological innovations bringing ever more information to football fans. J. Glover/Wikimedia Commons

Super Bowl 50’s data deluge: How much is too much?

Is there now so much information being shown on football broadcast screens that it’s time for another announcerless game?

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