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Articles on Taxes

Displaying 41 - 60 of 176 articles

Keeping these aspects of taxation in mind can help us hold governments accountable for the taxes that they try to implement and prevent future unethical and legally questionable taxes from being put in place. (Shutterstock)

10 things everyone should know about taxation

Taxes are more than mandatory payments required by governments. Understanding the essential aspects of taxation can help prevent ethically and legally questionable taxes from being imposed.
Most nonprofits must file this paperwork with the IRS every year. Dean R Specker/iStock via Getty Images Plus

What’s a 990 form? A charity accounting expert explains

The government makes the information nonprofits report on this form available to the public, enhancing transparency and accountability.
Canadian Taxpayers Federation former Federal Director Aaron Wudrick announces the winners of the 18th annual Teddy Waste Awards during a news conference on Parliament Hill in 2016. THE CANADIAN PRESS/Adrian Wyld

The Canadian Taxpayers Federation’s politics are anti-Indigenous — so why do media outlets still quote them?

When the media consults the CTF, it demonstrates contemporary hostility towards Indigenous nations. Viewing the CTF’s advocacy as a whole demonstrates their orientation very clearly.
Some tools of the trade for sex workers during the COVID-19 pandemic. (Ryan Conrad)

Sex, taxes & COVID-19: How sex workers navigated pandemic relief efforts

Government support programs like CERB and EI provide a safety net. During COVID-19, sex workers accessed various financial support — future policy needs to address the rights and security of sex workers.
Sandstorm approaching Merzouga Settlement in Erg Chebbi Desert, Morocco. Pavliha/Getty Images

Six areas where action must focus to rescue this planet

Humanity’s biggest challenges are not technical, but social, economic, political and behavioural. Effective actions are still possible to stabilise the climate and the planet, but must be taken now.
Informal head porter workers Percent Boatemaq (left) and Lusaka Fuseina (right) carrying goods on their heads at Agbogbloshie market in Accra, Ghana. Photo by Jonathan Torgovnik/Getty Images

The World Bank and IMF are using flawed logic in their quest to do away with the informal sector

Influential international actors like the World Bank and the IMF should focus on expanding social protection rather than focusing on eliminating the informal economy.
Enforcing punishments on proven tax cheats could provide benefits beyond improving compliance to tax laws. Once offenders pay up, billions lost to offshore scandals could be recouped and the tax burden more fairly shared among taxpayers. (Shutterstock)

The Pandora Papers: How punishing tax cheats can serve as a deterrent

Research suggests punishing tax cheats can re-establish a sense of justice among the general public, so authorities should use their resources to ensure culpable offenders are held accountable.
Several lawmakers from high-tax states like New York are pushing for changes to a key tax deduction in Democrats’ $3.5 trillion spending package. Kent Nishimura/Los Angeles Times via Getty Images

Some rich people will love at least one sweetener in Democrats’ $3.5 trillion plan

The 2017 tax cuts put a $10,000 cap on the deduction for state and local taxes. The richest households would see the biggest gains from eliminating or raising the cap.

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