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Articles on Taxes

Displaying 61 - 80 of 176 articles

Vice President Kamala Harris speaks at an American Rescue Plan virtual briefing on March 11, 2021 in Washington, D.C. Tasos Katopodis/Getty Images

State lawsuits over stimulus tax rule face uphill battle

States claim the stimulus law assaults state sovereignty by barring local governments from using aid money to cut taxes. But the Supreme Court has consistently approved conditions on federal spending.
President Biden said he wants to raise capital gains taxes to help pay for his ambitious proposals. AP Photo/Andrew Harnik

What’s a capital gain and how is it taxed?

President Biden wants to raise the capital gains tax that wealthy people pay and use the extra revenue to fund new social spending on children and education.
U.S. taxpayers spend more than $2 billion annually in tax preparation fees. Nora Carol Photography/Getty Images

Why can’t the IRS just send Americans a refund – or a bill?

Dozens of prosperous countries save billions of dollars and hours annually by not requiring residents to fill out tax returns, so what is the United States waiting for?
A water bottle sits on the table in front of Chief and NDP candidate Rudy Turtle during a visit by NDP Leader Jagmeet Singh on Oct. 5, 2019 on the Grassy Narrows First Nation, where industrial mercury poisoning in its water system has seriously affected the health of the community. THE CANADIAN PRESS/Paul Chiasson

A sin tax on sugary drinks unfairly targets Indigenous communities instead of improving health

A tax on sugar-sweetened beverages may be intended to improve health, but for Indigenous consumers, such a tax would be unethical, contravene tax law and undermine Indigenous rights.
In ancient Athens, only the richest people paid taxes on wealth, and they were happy to do it. Twospoonfuls via Wikimedia Commons

Only the richest ancient Athenians paid taxes – and they bragged about it

In ancient Athens, the richest people paid taxes to support what the residents considered the salvation of the city. These taxes earned them social and political clout more valuable than money.
Bank of Canada Gov. Tiff Macklem speaks during a news conference at the Bank of Canada on Sept. 10, 2020 in Ottawa. THE CANADIAN PRESS/Adrian Wyld

The throne speech: Fiscal prudes are fretting about the wrong issues

While those on the left, right and middle worry about the federal deficit, the real world that we live in is in trouble. The fiscal prudes are fretting about the wrong issues.
The demand for services nonprofits offer is surging. Paul Bersebach/MediaNews Group/Orange County Register via Getty Images

A $300 charitable deduction, explained

This measure, included in a pandemic relief package, is supposed to encourage Americans to give more to nonprofits.
Canada’s federal deficit has skyrocketed since the beginning of the coronavirus pandemic. How will Ottawa pay back the money its borrowed? THE CANADIAN PRESS/Sean Kilpatrick

Paying for the pandemic: Why the government’s massive coronavirus spending may not lead to higher taxes

Canada’s federal deficit has ballooned as Ottawa spends billions in response to the coronavirus pandemic. An economist explains why the massive spending will not harm Canadians in the future.
Good old days: Before the coronavirus hit, governors, like California’s Gavin Newsom, had easier jobs. AP/Rich Pedroncelli, Pool

Plummeting tax revenues will put governors in tough budget situations

As Congress considers further financial help for victims of the coronavirus pandemic, the magnitude of the fiscal crisis that governors and their states will have to face is just starting to emerge.

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