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The scene in Nice the morning after the July 14 terror attack – during which an emergency-warning app failed to give timely notice. Michel Abada

When disaster-response apps fail

The solution to emergency communications: redundancy, redundancy, redundancy.
While flossing may not be fun, it is still good for you. From

The flossing flap: Mind your dentist, and floss every night

Millions smiled last week when it was reported that there’s no evidence to support the flossing of teeth. A dentist sees it differently and suggests we continue the practice.
Jim Thorpe and Ben Johnson were both banned from the Olympics. But if each had played at different points in history, they would have been allowed to compete. Nick Lehr/The Conversation

When doping wasn’t considered cheating

In sports, what’s considered fair play has changed throughout history. At one point, even looking ‘too poor’ was grounds for exclusion.
The EPA has issued rules to regulate methane emission from new oil and gas wells in the face of industry and political pushback. gas storage via

Why utilities have little incentive to plug leaking natural gas

The Obama administration wants to regulate methane leaks from oil and gas operations. Here’s why we can’t count on market forces to make it work.
A girl stands near fighters in Aleppo. August 7, 2016. REUTERS/Rodi Said

Putin, Obama and the battle for Aleppo

The survival of civilians seem forgotten in a new U.S. and Russian agreement to root out IS and other terrorists in Syria.
Hex code from the Blaster worm reveals the potential motivations of the worm’s creator. Ward Moerman

Why save a computer virus?

How can archivists properly preserve computer programs often written specifically to destroy data?
Once the pageantry is over, many Olympic athletes have to return to normal life – which means figuring out how to make a living. Tony Gentile/Reuters

How do Olympic athletes pay the electric bill?

A former Olympic gold medalist reflects on his own financial struggles as he trained and competed for the 1984 Games. Decades later, not much has changed for many Olympians.
Nationwide, barbershops are on the decline. 'Barber' via

Goodbye to the barbershop?

Is the decline of the corner barbershop another indicator that male friendships and community ties are eroding? Or could it simply mean that concepts of masculinity are shifting?
News about the sewage and pollution in Guanabara Bay in Rio have caused health concerns among Olympic athletes. Ricardo Moraes/Reuters

Brazil’s sewage woes reflect the growing global water quality crisis

Wastewater treatment systems around the world are hamstrung by outdated tests that don’t identify a growing array of pathogens or identify the sources of pollutants.
As problems occur, rapid design adjustment will advance autonomous cars’ abilities. Image of car with sensors via

After fatality, autonomous car development may speed up

Sometimes a user’s death causes technology development to slow down – but other times, progress speeds up to address the newly uncovered problems.