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Central Maine Power Co. lineman John Baril works to restore electricity in Lewiston, Maine, on March 15, 2023, after a winter storm. AP Photo/Robert F. Bukaty

Maine voters don’t like their electric utilities, but they balked at paying billions to buy them out

Power companies can be publicly or privately owned and may report to corporate boards, local governments or co-op members. But there’s no one best way to deliver electricity reliably and affordably.
La humildad puede ayudarte a centrarte en tu interconexión con los demás. deberarr/iStock via Getty Images Plus

La humildad es la base de una vida virtuosa

La humildad no recibe el bombo y platillo de virtudes como la valentía, la compasión o la generosidad.
Would people still call a women’s soccer match boring if they didn’t know the players’ genders? isitsharp/E+ via Getty Images

We blurred the gender of soccer players and had people rate their performances − with surprising results

A common criticism of women’s sports is that female players aren’t as entertaining or skilled as their male counterparts. Two researchers decided to put this notion to the test.