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Migrants at the Greek-Macedonian border earlier this year: Is there a better way to deal with seemingly intractable problems? Ognen Teofilovski/Reuters

We’re failing to solve the world’s ‘wicked problems.’ Here’s a better approach

Our institutions are not solving the world’s wicked problems, such as the refugee crisis and climate change. Can sustainable coffee – a bottoms-up, modular approach – provide clues to a better way?
In his new memoir ‘Born to Run,’ Bruce Springsteen details his lifelong battle with depression. Norsk Telegrambyra AS/Reuters

Why Bruce Springsteen’s depression revelation matters

With stigma about mental illness still pervasive, The Boss’ frank admission helps shatter some of the most common stereotypes about depression.
Happy-looking seniors via Shutterstock. From

Why dementia burden may be less than feared

Improvements in education and vascular health are likely partly responsible for a sharp decline in dementia over the past few decades. The trend may continue, if we also address obesity and diabetes.
Sometimes you don’t know whether to laugh or cry. 'Clowns' via

The psychology behind why clowns creep us out

Random clown sightings don’t make everyone laugh. A psychologist who has studied creepiness explains why clowns are especially adept at making us squirm.
Humility might have gone out of politics. But why does it matter? Charles Mostoller/Reuters

Why America needs the virtues of humility

At a time when politics is showing its most divisive side, a scholar argues that embracing humility could help us deal with hidden biases.
The front columns at the U.S. Supreme Court building in Washington, D.C., Oct. 5, 2015. REUTERS/Jonathan Ernst

Alexander Hamilton and the new Supreme Court term

As the new Supreme Court session opens, a legal scholar makes an argument for sticking with just eight justices. It’s not unconstitutional.