Symon Dworjanyn
Professor of Marine Ecology and Aquaculture, Southern Cross University
Alessandro Palci
Research Associate in Evolutionary Biology, University of Adelaide
Emily S. Bernhardt
Professor of Biology, Duke University
Georgia May Nester
PhD candidate, Curtin University
Melinda Coleman
Adjunct Professor, Southern Cross University and Associate Professor, School of Biological Sciences, The University of Western Australia
Marie Simonin
Research Scientist, Inrae
Curtis Champion
Research Scientist, Southern Cross University
Dalia Saad
Researcher, School of Chemistry, University of the Witwatersrand, University of the Witwatersrand
Reina Veenhof
PhD Candidate in kelp ecology, Southern Cross University
Louw Claassens
Research Associate of Zoology and Entomology, Rhodes University
Karl M. Wantzen
UNESCO Chair River Culture/Fleuves et Patrimoine, Université de Tours
Tomer Ventura
Associate professor, University of the Sunshine Coast
Kate Sanders
Senior lecturer, University of Adelaide