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Articles on Asia

Displaying 281 - 300 of 453 articles

The Cu Chi tunnels may be the most popular of the ‘war tourism’ attractions in Vietnam.

Will tourism transform the way Australians remember the Vietnam War?

Might the rise of heritage tourism and the increasing ease of international travel lead to more of Australia’s military experiences overseas being better understood?
The Coalition government has moved to rapidly alter the balance of Australia’s foreign policy spending. AAP/Rashida Yosufzai

Ideas for Australia: Sold short – Australia’s aid cuts have foreign policy consequences

A reduced aid budget equates to the forsaking of real opportunities in foreign policy terms. In the long term, this could make the savings look miniscule compared to opportunity costs.
EPA/Mast Irham

Malcolm in the Middle Kingdom

Before European imperialism fatally undermined China’s own dynastic system, it was customary for China’s neighbours to acknowledge its dominance by sending tribute missions to the imperial court. While…
Defence diplomacy will not substantially transform the overall picture of Asia’s ongoing political cleavages. AAP

The 2016 white paper must get it right on defence diplomacy

The coming defence white paper presents an opening for the Turnbull government to place its stamp on national security priorities and to align planning and policy settings with its strategic vision.
Reuters/Kevin Lamarque

ASEAN: leadership the Southeast Asian way

US President Barack Obama is about to play host to the leaders of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN). While this motley collection of autocrats, kleptocrats, and even some democrats will…
Philip Ruddock attracted the ire of human rights activists for his actions as a minister in the Howard government. AAP/Dean Lewins

Ruddock as human rights envoy? Don’t scoff too soon

As Australia’s special envoy for human rights, Philip Ruddock will have the chance to change the world instead of listening to other people make suggestions about how it might be done.
EPA/Kim Kyung-Hoon

What China did and should learn from Japan

China and Japan don’t get on. This is a problem for them and for the rest of the world given their economic and strategic importance. It hasn’t always been this way, though. Japan once acknowledged China’s…
If this detonation was a hydrogen bomb test, then it was likely less successful than the North Korean leadership may have hoped. Reuters/Kim Hong-Ji

North Korea tests again: the ritual of Korean Peninsula nuclear politics

North Korea remains committed to perfecting a deployable nuclear weapon capability. It is confident in the understanding that there appears little the international community can do to prevent it.
Tony Abbott, Malcolm Turnbull’s predecessor as prime minister, enjoyed a close relationship with his Japanese counterpart, Shinzo Abe. AAP/Ian Waldie

Turnbull aims to retain ‘closest friend’ tag in first Japan visit

Australia looks set to continue to confront its core foreign policy dilemma: balancing relations between its largest trading partner, China, and its key security partners, the US and Japan.

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