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Articles on Automation

Displaying 101 - 120 of 160 articles

When everyone’s out of a job, will workers unite? Inspiring/

Will the AI jobs revolution bring about human revolt, too?

As artificial intelligence technology becomes more capable, it threatens more types of jobs – like lawyers, bureaucrats and managers. What social upheaval will happen if those people can’t find work?
Unemployment is compounded by the prospect of automation replacing humans in production chains. Reuters/Bobby Yip

How to create jobs in the age of robots and low growth

Rethinking work is crucial for industrialised and emerging economies, where job losses are being felt even in the presence of substantial, although diminishing, economic growth.
University students experiment with human-robot interaction and autonomous manipulation, two elements of manufacturing’s future. Nikolaus Correll

To really help US workers, we should invest in robots

Today, the U.S. is leading the robotics revolution. But without timely investment, China will overtake us, and could permanently put Americans out of work.
Machines don’t make the same errors as humans when it comes to decisions based on visual analysis. from

Can machines really tell us if we’re sick?

The value of machine learning is not only that it is more accurate than humans. It is also cheaper and more consistent in its diagnoses.
Hi Juno, welcome to Jupiter. NASA/JPL

2016, the year that was: Science + Technology

From the discovery of gravitational waves, to the Pokémon Go phenomenon to the Census debacle, it’s been a big year in science and technology.

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