Evidence from the field of chrono-nutrition shows that eating more in line with your circadian rhythm may be good for health.
Chinnapong/ Shutterstock
You may want to re-think skipping breakfast if you’re someone who does it often.
Owl chronotypes function better at night, while lark chronotypes are more energized in the morning.
The Photo Matrix/Moment, nomis_g/iStock via Getty Images Plus
Synchronizing your daily activities to your circadian rhythm could help you improve your performance on a variety of cognitive tasks − and even influence diagnosis of cognitive disorders.
Gregory Pappas/Unsplash
A good night’s sleep is important for a well-functioning body and mind, but the best time for you to get that sleep depends on a number of factors.
Chronotherapeutic drug delivery aims to maximize treatment effectiveness and minimize side effects.
Vaselena/iStock via Getty Images Plus
There is a best time to take your medications, but your doctor may not know when that is. Researchers are still figuring it out, one drug at a time.
Syncing your circadian rhythm to a natural light-dark cycle could improve your health and well-being.
nambitomo/iStock via Getty Images Plus
Your body follows a circadian rhythm that influences everything from how well your medications work to the best time for exercise.