Research shows that people with more flow in their lives had a higher sense of well-being during the COVID-19 pandemic. Scientists are beginning to explore what happens in the brain during flow.
A researcher who studies physical skills explains how getting your conscious thoughts out of the way lets your body do what it knows how to do, better.
After a year of COVID-19 lockdowns, lack of focus, irritability and restlessness don’t necessarily point to an ADHD diagnosis. Consider some of these common causes of these symptoms, and ways to cope.
For optimal concentration, players need to cultivate ‘meta-attention’, the mechanism that enables us to refocus our attention when the mind has wandered.
Do you ever find you suddenly need to turn off the radio so you can concentrate on what you’re doing? It’s because you only have a finite amount of attention, for particular types of tasks at least.
Compulsory sport and physical education at school will improve children’s memory, attention and ability to concentrate, not just boost fitness. The evidence is in.
Provincial policies to implement the legal consumption of marijuana are unlikely to protect children and youth. High school teachers and parents will be on the front line.