Nancy Brassard, École nationale d'administration publique (ENAP)
When dealing with a difficult event, such as the current pandemic, the electrical current that governs our brains is altered, affecting behaviour and mood.
According to a study conducted in collaboration with the Nobel laureate in economics, Lars Peter Hansen, decision theory is an effective tool for finding the best trade-offs.
Containment during the pandemic has contributed to a recognition of the importance of public space as a gathering place and an essential tool to meet the needs of the population.
In Namur, Belgium, archaeological excavations were almost buried for good under the cover of lockdown. The incident draws attention to weaknesses in archaeological heritage protection systems.
School closures under coronavirus have raised significant risks for vulnerable students who face maltreatment and exposure to violence. Here are five priorities to address when reopening schools.
Between teleworking, distance learning and the use of social networks, the current period is unusual in our use of the Internet. How does the network work? How to use it well?
Government initiatives to support student learning during and after the pandemic can’t be effective without an invaluable educational resource: teachers’ expertise and care.
Being cooped up at home is of course far more manageable than being locked up behind bars. But people isolating due to COVID-19 are still forced to deal with some of the same problems.
The COVID-19 pandemic is affecting everyone to some degree, and many people are looking for ways to help others. Here are some ways people can contribute to the response effort.
World TB Day will be observed March 24, with the good news that deaths from tuberculosis are declining. But a trend toward confining those with TB threatens to stall advances.
Dr en archéologie de l'Université Paris 1 - Panthéon-Sorbonne, chercheuse rattachée à l'UMR 7041 ArScAn, Co-Présidente de l'Association Archéo-Éthique, Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne