The only way an Alberta COVID-19 committee can meaningfully determine how public policy should be made is if it tackles head-on the question of how to measure the psychological impacts of policy.
A major lesson from the COVID-19 pandemic is the need to decolonize transnational governance so that the world is better able to handle both future and current global crises.
It’s the comparison behind COVID-19 claims Scott Morrison has been making for two years. But comparing with countries at the same environmental risk shows Australia’s pandemic failures throughout.
Brokering peace among the factions appearing in National Cabinet will be key to a successful transition to reopening Australia. But there are many gaps in the plan.
Not vaccinating children means living with the knowledge we haven’t done everything possible to ensure they don’t transmit COVID to more vulnerable people.
Millions of dollars worth of vaccines are thrown out each year because they are not transported or stored at the right temperature. We made a video to help prevent that.
Archa Fox, The University of Western Australia and Thomas Preiss, Australian National University
Doses of the Moderna vaccine will be available in Australia from mid-September. So if you’re in an eligible group you could be offered either Pfizer or Moderna. Here’s how they compare.
NSW needs to mandate masks outdoors, provide adequate financial support, set up a ‘ring of steel’, use rapid tests for essential workers, and ensure cases not in full isolation get to zero, among others.
The major problem in Britain and elsewhere was complacency. The early success in suppressing smallpox, and indeed eliminating it in some places, led parents to neglect vaccination.
Honorary Enterprise Professor, School of Population and Global Health, and Department of General Practice and Primary Care, The University of Melbourne
Professor of Paediatrics and vaccinologist, Royal Childrens Hospital, University of Melbourne and Murdoch Childrens Research Institute (MCRI); Associate Dean International, University of Melbourne, Murdoch Children's Research Institute