In his endorsement of Biden, Obama gave his consent for his former running mate to go beyond the policy platform they built. It also freed Obama to use his rhetorical powers in the upcoming election.
African American voters are indispensable to any Democrat strategy. Given party affiliation is increasingly split down racial lines, is the best tactic to get out the black, anti-Trump vote?
Why do some people think that Bernie Sanders isn’t electable and Joe Biden is? Does anyone really know what makes one candidate seem electable while another doesn’t?
Bernie Sanders is effectively indicting the political economic structure in which the super-rich have amassed extraordinary sums of wealth at the expense of everyone else — and our shared planet.
Sanders has cemented his status as front-runner for the Democratic presidential nomination ahead of Super Tuesday, even with Michael Bloomberg’s entrance to the race.
In 2016, drug misuse was cited as the top concern among New Hampshire voters. What remedies are the Democratic primary contenders putting forward to combat the opioid crisis?
Writing in the American progressive journal Democracy, Swan, a former treasurer, warned that the US Democrats could be at risk of the overloaded agenda trap that helped defeat the ALP in May.
Joe Biden continues to front the Democratic primaries race and leads Donald Trump by eight points. But it’s not likely the latest impeachment controversy will damage Trump’s ratings.