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Articles on Developing countries

Displaying 41 - 60 of 99 articles

White supremacists clash with police in Charlottesville in 2017. Evan Nesterak/Wikipedia

Debate: A geopolitical reading of fear

Despite moments of hope, worries about the present and fears that the future may be even worse have been rising for decades. What can geopolitics teach us about the global impact of fear?
A market place in Ghana’s capital Accra. Developing countries like Ghana risk being left behind in the race to secure COVID-19 vaccines. Christian Thompson/Anadolu Agency via Getty Images

Dummy’s guide to how trade rules affect access to COVID-19 vaccines

A waiver on some intellectual property rules at the WTO for COVID-19 vaccines would ensure more equitable access, but wouldn’t solve all the problems facing developing countries.
PM Boris Johnson (left) and Chancellor Rishi Sunak have come up with money to underwrite wages, rescue packages and meal vouchers during the pandemic. Jonathan Brady/PA Wire/PA Images

How countries are raising debt to fight COVID and why developing nations face tougher choices

Developing countries face greater risks raising money to deal with the pandemic. Zambia is now on the verge of being the first ‘COVID default’ and other developing countries could follow suit.
The TRIPS waiver enables WTO member states to manufacture and distribute COVID-19 drugs and medical supplies that would normally be protected by patents. (Pixabay)

COVID-19 drug and vaccine patents are putting profit before people

The TRIPS waiver makes COVID-19 treatments more accessible globally by enabling manufacture and distribution of COVID-19 drugs and medical supplies that would normally be protected by patents.

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