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Articles on Donald Trump

Displaying 2521 - 2540 of 3440 articles

Director James Comey makes it official: The FBI is investigating allegations of Russian interference in the 2016 U.S. presidential election. AP Photo/J. Scott Applewhite

Russia, an alleged coup and Montenegro’s bid for NATO membership

Russian interference in the U.S. election is part of a bigger pattern, according to a former ambassador from Montenegro to NATO.
A glimpse behind bars. Cropped from krystiano/flickr

Private prisons, explained

The White House is pushing for more private prisons. But do the industry’s promised benefits hold up to scrutiny?
A 1969 photo of political theorist and scholar Hannah Arendt. AP Photo

The power of ordinary people facing totalitarianism

Hannah Arendt, a political theorist, fled Germany during Adolf Hitler’s rise to power and later wrote about ‘the banality of evil.’ Her work has recently become a best-seller. Here’s why.
‘Neither criminals nor illegals’: activists painted the U.S.-Mexico border in protest against US President Donald Trump’s new immigration reform. Jose Luis Gonzales/Reuters

Mexico’s new plan for facing Trump: resistance

Draconian new US deportation policies are the last straw for Mexico’s government, which has endured months of Donald Trump’s insults and aggression.
Could a randomly selected tree make a better president than Donald Trump? Bruce Irschick/flickr

Democracy needs more trees and less Trump

If people are starting to look much worse in democratic terms, trees are starting to look much better. We are learning that plants engage in meaningful and, more to the point, truthful communication.

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