Michelle Grattan
Professorial Fellow, University of Canberra
Gabrielle Appleby
Professor, UNSW Law School, UNSW Sydney
Anna Olijnyk
Senior Lecturer, Adelaide Law School, University of Adelaide
Kcasey McLoughlin
Senior Lecturer in Law, University of Newcastle
David Peetz
Laurie Carmichael Distinguished Research Fellow at the Centre for Future Work, and Professor Emeritus, Griffith Business School, Griffith University
Stephen Parker
Honorary Professorial Fellow, Melbourne CSHE, The University of Melbourne
Eugene Schofield-Georgeson
Lecturer, UTS Law School, University of Technology Sydney
Tanya Josev
Lecturer, Melbourne Law School, The University of Melbourne
David Holmes
Director, Climate Change Communication Research Hub, Monash University
Heather Roberts
Associate Professor, ANU College of Law, Australian National University
Julian Webb
Professor of Law, The University of Melbourne
Karen O'Connell
Associate Professor, Faculty of Law, University of Technology Sydney
Kate Galloway
Adjunct professor, Griffith University
Adam Webster
Associate Professor in Law and Public Policy, University of Oxford