One of the most pressurised roles in the pressure cooker that is the Rugby World Cup is the referee. Threatening fans are causing them to quit the game at all levels.
Johnson arrives at the Conservative Party headquarters.
Reuters/Toby Melville
Just what is Boris Johnson, the UK’s new prime minister: a liberal or conservative? A historian writing a book about Brexit, the focus of much of Johnson’s career, says the man is hard to pin down.
Research shows that England was one of the first sovereigns to default on its international debt obligations.
Bariatric surgery can be life changing, so why are so few being offered the procedure in England?
EPA-EFE/Andy Rain
The English Premier League was established in 1992 to do exactly what it is now doing.
No place like home.
Housing laws in England can still leave tenants without proper protection, but the latest reforms offer hope for the future.
Taking a lead.
Poverty leaves people feeling unable to take responsibility for their future – but community programmes can empower young people to take control.
A ‘hard Brexit’ appears increasingly likely.
AP Photo/Kirsty Wigglesworth
American companies still face enormous uncertainty about how they’ll be doing business in the UK and EU in the coming years, particularly as the April 12 Brexit deadline draws closer.
School textbooks from Germany deal with Europe in much greater detail and with more of a positive angle than those published in England.
In England, one in fifty children cycle to school. But if English children cycled at the same rates as Dutch children, this could rise to two in five.
The family that votes together remains together?
PA/Jane Barlow
Westminster has consistently disregarded the concerns of the devolved administrations over Brexit.
Alasdair Rae.
Inequality is one of the major issues of the modern age – but understanding where it happens is harder than you think.
Christopher Middleton/Shutterstock.
Regional deprivation is causing thousands of northerners – especially men – to die young each year.
Theresa May likely wants to escape this room.
Reuters TV
The UK’s agonizing efforts to find a path out of the European Union is beginning to look a lot like a game or riddle with no solution – and certainly no winners.
Have a nice day photo/Shutterstock
Case management systems used by GPs are supposed to help those at risk.
For centuries, Pulter’s manuscript lay untouched at the University of Leeds’ Brotherton Library.
University of Leeds Library, Brotherton Collection, MS Lt q 32
In a time when women were expected to be silent, no topic was off limits for Pulter, who penned verses about politics, science and loss. Her manuscript was just published in a free digital archive.
The crisis enveloping the British government started when Britons voted “yes” to leaving the European Union in 2016.
Neil Hall/EPA
As England agonises over Brexit, divisions have emerged in other parts of the UK, especially in Northern Ireland and independent-minded Scotland.
Scotland’s First Minister Nicola Sturgeon at Glasgow Pride, 2018.
David Cheskin/PA Images
By changing the curriculum, Scotland acknowledges that society has always been diverse – and that will help more young people feel accepted.
Scotland tends to take a more progressive approach to inequality, but how is it actually faring compared to the rest of the UK?
Serghei Starus / Shutterstock
Record numbers of families rent privately in England. But the law has not kept a fair balance between landlord and tenant rights.