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Articles on EU membership

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In Kyiv in February 2014, riot police line up opposite crosses marking the deaths of protesters. More than 10,000 people have been killed since the Euromaidan protests began in late 2013. Christiaan Triebert/Flickr

Four years after the Euromaidan revolution in Ukraine: key gains and losses

For Ukrainians, the legacy of the Euromaidan revolution is decidedly mixed, and for the protesters who waved European Union flags EU membership now looks like a distant dream.
European Council President, Donald Tusk, meets Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan on a visit to Ankara in September 2015. Turkish President Press Office

Fact Check: would the UK have a veto on Turkey joining the EU?

Supporters of the campaign for Brexit claim the UK could not veto Turkish accession to the EU. We asked two academics to check the facts.
Greens leader Natalie Bennett at the party’s manifesto launch. Alastair Grant/AP

Manifesto Check: the Green Party’s top policies

Our experts review the evidence behind the Green Party’s big ticket policies.
Miliband appealed to spooked businesses with a warning about the EU. Chris Radburn/PA

How credible is Ed Miliband’s Europe gambit?

Opening his campaign, Miliband warned an EU referendum would be bad for business. But not holding one could have serious consequences too.
Both still standing - for now. Ian West/PA

Clegg and Farage rematch on EU membership

Most commentators agreed that Nigel Farage won round one of the Clegg vs Farage debates – if only on points. The UKIP leader was able to convey a clear message that the UK is marginalised in the EU and…
Very nice, Andy, but how do you feel about the in/out referendum? Kerim Okten/EPA

All for Andy Murray, but insular English identity now on the rise

Andy Murray’s historic victory at Wimbledon sparked instant debate about whether his was a win for Scotland or Britain. Clearly, First Minister Alex Salmond was in little doubt, as he akwardly attempted…
British Prime Minister David Cameron has promised the electorate an “in or out” referendum on the UK’s membership of the EU by 2017. EPA/Facundo Arrizabalaga

Will David Cameron’s planned referendum on Britain and the EU succeed or fail?

British Prime Minister David Cameron has announced an “in/out” referendum for UK voters on European Union (EU) membership, scheduled for 2017. There were few surprises in this, as the full text of his…

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