Julian Agyeman
Professor of Urban and Environmental Policy and Planning, Tufts University
Lisa Kramer
Professor of Finance, University of Toronto
Thérèse Rebière
Professeur des Universités en économie, Conservatoire national des arts et métiers (CNAM)
Samuel Oti
Millennium Promise Fellow and Senior Research Officer, African Population and Health Research Center
Malte Rödl
Researcher, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences and Honorary Research Fellow, University of Manchester
Isabelle Lebon
Professeur de Sciences Economiques, directrice adjointe de la Maison de la Recherche en Sciences Humaines, Université de Caen Normandie
Wendy Wills
Professor of Food and Public Health, University of Hertfordshire
Wangoo Lee
Assistant Professor of Hospitality and Tourism Management, Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Lu Lu
Associate Professor of Sport, Tourism and Hospitality Management, Temple University