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Articles on School food

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An investment in a national school food program today is an investment in a stronger Canada tomorrow. (Shutterstock)

Beyond the cafeteria: The economic case for investing in school meals

From reducing families’ grocery bills to boosting the economy, school meals offer far-reaching benefits, fostering both immediate well-being and long-term economic prosperity.
School-community partnerships are empowering children and youth to lead projects like landscaping a new Tranquility Garden in Northport, N.S., in 2020. (UpLift Partnership)

From outdoor classrooms to gardens, how Nova Scotia youth are creating healthier school communities

Involving youth in promoting health in schools can catalyze students’ ability to bring about positive change. On International Youth Day and year round, more adults could lift up youth voices.
Artwork created by public school students about the availability of healthy foods in schools. (Sara Kirk)

School-approved Cheetos? Why we must protect school food from corporate interests

An effective national school food program can help build the foundations for a healthy population. That’s why Ottawa must limit the influence of the food industry on a national school food program.
School food programs can also serve children’s critical social and emotional needs. (Shutterstock)

Care is the secret ingredient in school lunch programs

School food programs should be key elements of governments’ COVID-19 responses. In planning these, the relationships that are part of providing food matter.
Farm-to-school programs aim to bring healthy, local food into schools, foster food literacy and enhance community connectedness (Shutterstock)

Farm-to-school’ movement takes root in Canada

New research will examine how the emerging farm-to-school movement can support local food systems, as well as providing healthy lunches for children.
In Rome, 70 per cent of ingredients in school meals are required by law to be organic. In Brazil, food is a constitutional right for children. Canada lags shamefully behind. (Shutterstock)

How to make a national school food program happen

There would be many benefits from a national school food program, including a chance to teach children healthy eating habits that could last a lifetime. Why can’t it happen?

Do kids who grow kale eat kale?

School garden projects are becoming hugely popular. Over 25 percent of public elementary schools include garden-based learning. Do these gardens improve the education and health of young people?

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