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Articles on New Zealand

Displaying 1681 - 1700 of 2056 articles

This squid belongs to one of the families (Histioteuthidae) that is highly diverse but was not previously recorded from the Kermadecs. Richard Young

Squid team finds high species diversity off Kermadec Islands, part of stalled marine reserve proposal

New squid research north of New Zealand nearly doubles the known cephalopod diversity in the Kermadec region, where a proposal to create one of the world’s largest marine reserves has stalled.
Fijian prime minister Voreqe Bainimarama’s intervention has led to the quick release of three New Zealand journalists. AAP/Darren England

NZ journalists arrested in Fiji have been released but a new era of press freedom is yet to arrive

The prompt release of New Zealand journalists, arrested while investigating environmental degradation caused by a Chinese development project in Fiji, highlights PM Bainimarama’s diplomatic dilemma.
An analysis of population statistics shows that most New Zealanders, from any groups, don’t report experiencing intolerance or discrimination. AAP

What the data say about discrimination and tolerance in New Zealand

Many New Zealanders responded to the Christchurch terror attack with displays of unity and openness, and research into attitudes shows that tolerance is a widely held value.
Maisie Williams plays Arya Stark in Game of Thrones and is one of the actors whose face is part of a new test of face recognition skills. AAP

Why do we mix up faces? Game of Thrones might help us find the answer

Facial recognition is a crucial skill, but difficult to test accurately. Researchers are taking advantage of the popularity of Game of Thrones to test the limits of our ability to identify a familiar face.
The Crusaders rugby club has announced an end to its pre-match entertainment of sword-wielding horsemen, as seen here ahead of last year’s Super Rugby final in Christchurch. AAP/SNPA/Ross Setford

Playing in overtime: why the Crusaders rugby team is right to rethink brand after Christchurch attack

The Crusaders rugby club has been embroiled in debate about its branding as the imagery, once widely used in New Zealand, has become embarrassing, even repugnant, following the Christchurch attack.
Mountain bikers are reclaiming some of the tracks that were destroyed during the Christchurch earthquakes. from

The importance of sports in recovery from trauma: lessons from and for Christchurch

In the weeks and months following mass trauma, such as the shootings in Christchurch, participating in physical activity can help individuals and communities deal with stress, anxiety and grief.
China is the world’s second largest economy. EPA/Aleksandar Plavevski

How to get ready as the US-China trade war spills over to other countries

As the trade spat between China and the US continues, it is likely to spill over to other countries. For Australia and New Zealand, this could bring both risks and opportunities.
Mosques like the one in Lakemba, Sydney, were among the few places of belonging where Muslims could feel safe from Islamophobia. Dan Himbrechts/AAP

Christchurch attacks strike at the heart of Muslims’ safe places from Islamophobia

Muslims need places where they feel safe from Islamophobia. And being made to feel unwelcome has lasting impacts – Muslims still avoid Cronulla beach, the scene of anti-Muslim riots in 2005.
The Parliamentary Commissioner for the Environment has warned that afforestation is a risky approach to combatting climate change. from

NZ’s environmental watchdog challenges climate policy on farm emissions and forestry offsets

A new report suggests New Zealand should rethink climate policy and use forests to offset only agricultural emissions, which make up half of the country’s total emissions, and not carbon dioxide.
The pay equity settlement acknowledged that historic gender discrimination had suppressed wages for care and support work. from

Historic pay equity settlement for NZ care workers delivers mixed results

A groundbreaking NZ$2 billion pay equity settlement has lifted the income for many care workers in aged care and community support, but it had some unintended consequences.
A makeshift memorial at the Botanical Gardens in Christchurch after a gunman killed 50 worshippers at the Al Noor Masjid and Linwood Masjid. Mick Tsikas/AAP

We need to stop conflating Islam with terrorism

The arguments of far right commentators who conflate Islam with extremism are flawed. In the rich and complex tradition of Islam, extremists are a small minority who often target other Muslims.
New Zealand Muslims have come from several parts of the world, including Pacific Islands, Asian countries, the Middle East and Africa. AAP/Martin Hunter

From Mahometan to Kiwi Muslim: history of NZ’s Muslim population

Some of the earliest Muslims to settle in Christchurch during the 19th century have helped in the construction of Christchurch Cathedral and are part of the city’s history of Christianity.
Victims are responding to the Christchurch mosque shooting with bravery and compassion, not anger and hate. Mick Tsikas/AAP

Finding dignity and grace in the aftermath of the Christchurch attack

At a time when we could expect anger, vengeance and resentment to take hold in a community so demolished by violence, Professor Mohamad Abdalla visited victims and found compassion and forgiveness.

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