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Articles on Nigel Farage

Displaying 121 - 129 of 129 articles

Hokey cokey: Clegg and Farage prepare to shake it all about on the European Union. EPA/Jeff Overs/BBC handout

Farage does the double, trouncing Clegg in second EU debate

The second Nick vs Nigel matchup was entertaining viewing for the political obsessives likely to make up most of its audience – both sides made their cases with clarity and passion. After an hour of detailed…
Both still standing - for now. Ian West/PA

Clegg and Farage rematch on EU membership

Most commentators agreed that Nigel Farage won round one of the Clegg vs Farage debates – if only on points. The UKIP leader was able to convey a clear message that the UK is marginalised in the EU and…
Night of excess - which is unlike the Swiss. AP Photo/Anja Niedringhaus

Swiss vote for cap on migrants has government tied in knots

Like many others, including Christoph Blocher – the de facto leader of the Yes campaign – I was surprised by the result of Switzerland’s February 9 vote on stopping “mass immigration”. Polls suggested…
England: not so pleasant land if you’re a migrant. Freefoto

Get ready for more scare tactics on EU immigrants

Brace yourself for more dire warnings about how Britain will be flooded next year by hordes of migrants from Bulgaria and Romania. This week’s story in The Times quotes figures from the Office for National…
Godfrey’s law: any attempt to take UKIP seriously will be brought down by idiotic comments. Stefan Rousseau/PA

UKIP fairytale spoiled again by bumbling Bloom

This weekend’s UKIP party conference – its 20th – was phenomenal and fantastic. Obviously, I’m using those words in their original senses of “it happened” and “it resembled something from a child’s story…
What, no beer? Tea time for Farage. Andrew Milligan/PA

Voters haven’t called time on UKIP despite some poor polls

It is less than two months since UKIP’s remarkable breakthrough in May’s local elections, yet as pictures of triumphant British sportsman have replaced those of a grinning, pint-wielding Nigel Farage on…
Life’s a gas: Nigel Farage enjoying UKIP’s success in the local council elections. Chris Radburn/PA Wire

The not-so-secret agenda of UKIP voters

On the surface, the recent surge in support for the UK Independence Party (UKIP) suggests an urgent need to reform Britain’s relations with the European Union. But polls tell a different story. The best…

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