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Articles on Racism

Displaying 521 - 540 of 1646 articles

American reality TV star Kim Kardashian was criticized for sporting earrings patterned from the sacred Hindu Om symbol during a photo shoot for her beauty products line. E-Times

What is cultural appropriation, and how does it differ from cultural appreciation?

Celebrities and businesses have drawn criticism for cultural appropriation. An expert provides guidance on when it is sharing another culture out of appreciation and when it is appropriation.
Incels rank all racial groups by attractiveness. The most attractive white men and women are ‘Chads,’ ‘Stacys’ and ‘Beckys.’ (Shutterstock)

Incels are surprisingly diverse but united by hate

Our research suggests that incel discussion boards are surprisingly diverse. Despite this diversity, we find that incels are united by their hatred of women.
Protesters wave a flag at Parliament Hill in Ottawa at a “Cancel Canada Day” protest in response to the discovery of hundreds of unmarked graves at Indian Residential Schools. THE CANADIAN PRESS/ Patrick Doyle THE CANADIAN PRESS/ Patrick Doyle

Indian Residential School tragic discoveries see calls for action, but words can make a difference too

People often decry words and call for action after tragic events. But words are action and they’re fundamental to Canadian democracy.
Structural and institutional racism account for under-representation in many fields. ZUMA Press, Inc/Alamy

Structural racism: what it is and how it works

After ongoing claims that the UK is devoid of this form of discrimination, what does the term actually mean?
President Lyndon Johnson signing the 1964 Civil Rights Act, which aimed to do away with racial discrimination in the law. But discrimination persisted. AP file photo

Critical race theory: What it is and what it isn’t

A scholar of race and racism explains what critical race theory is – and how many people get it wrong.
Black heavyweight champion Jack Johnson, right, beat James Jeffries in 1910, sparking racial violence. George Haley, San Francisco Call, via University of California, Riverside, via Library of Congress

When a Black boxing champion beat the ‘Great White Hope,’ all hell broke loose

Johnson’s victory, in the manliest of sports, contradicted claims of racial supremacy by whites and demonstrated that Blacks were no longer willing to acquiesce to white dominance.
A protester holds up a sign about white privilege at a 2020 Black Lives Matter protest in London. Carol Moir/Alamy

Learning about white privilege isn’t harmful to white working class children – viewpoint

After a report from the education select committee suggested the term does more harm than good, it’s worth unpacking what it actually means
A 16-year-old’s academic performance impacts their future outcomes on every level, educational, professional and emotional. Jim Wileman / Alamy Stock Photo

How race, sex and class combine to affect school results

The data shows that attainment gaps in English education at age 16 cannot be attributed to any single factor.
Mourners gather at the site of the attack on a Muslim family in London, Ontario. After tragedy, there is no one way to recover from trauma. THE CANADIAN PRESS/Brett Gundlock

A child psychiatrist who knew those killed in the London terror attack offers advice on helping kids deal with trauma

Racial trauma in society has been challenging for all of us, especially children and teens. There are practical steps we can all take to help ourselves and our kids heal.
White Americans who hold racist attitudes are likely to prefer military action over diplomacy in foreign countries like Iran and, in particular, China. Frank Rossoto Stocktrek via Getty

Racial bias makes white Americans more likely to support wars in nonwhite foreign countries – new study

Analysis of US survey data finds that white people who hold racist views are more likely than others to favor military action over diplomacy in China and Iran, and to endorse the global war on terror.

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