For students to learn in a safe, healthy environment, school administrators must deal with a myriad of potential environmental contaminants, from allergens to cockroaches.
Involving youth in promoting health in schools can catalyze students’ ability to bring about positive change. On International Youth Day and year round, more adults could lift up youth voices.
Campuses struggle to take action on commitments to promote health. Universities need to work towards meaningful measures of progress and well-resourced approaches.
We investigated the initiatives schools around the world took to help support and maintain the well-being of their students and staff. We pulled out seven things that made a difference.
Studies point to students’ movement skills declining during lockdowns, especially among younger children. Levels of physical activity must be restored to avoid lifelong harm to their health.
A year-long analysis of Victorian primary and secondary school classrooms has found the amount of carbon dioxide often far exceeds the maximum acceptable standard.
School sport should prioritise development of the person, not the athlete. A new TV deal has some worried there hasn’t been enough debate as to how this will impact the culture of school sport.
Guidelines for screen use for students need to take more than just time into account. Sleep, eye health, posture and other wellbeing issues need consideration as well.
The percent of students going without food or other necessities has risen since 2012, with students indicating work-study balance was impacting their daily lives, study success and mental health.