Kids can gain developmental or social benefits from extracurricular activities, but time for free play, relaxing and family bonding also matter for individual and family wellness. Girls playing street hockey in Victoria, B.C., in May 2017.
Researchers with expertise in parent-child relationships and child development offer 5 tips about how parents or caregivers can find a balance between children’s structured and unstructured time.
Aller au café avec des amis, un exemple de pause utile.
Wikimedia commons
Relax: keeping your sense of humour and taking regular breaks will go a long way in helping you land a job.
Student-parents can model good time management strategies and study habits for their children.
Halfpoint Images/Moment Collection/Getty Images
A psychologist and parenting expert shares practical tips on how college students who are parents can help both themselves and their children excel in school.
Discovering passions and sharing time with loved ones are two things retirees say they wish they did more when they were younger.
Balancing wellbeing and money is a matter of how you spend your time.
Procrastination is an all-too-common problem.
Yulia Grigoryeva/Shutterstock
Understanding the why of procrastination is key to breaking the habit.
Popular New Year’s resolutions include exercising, learning a new skill and travelling.
New Year’s resolutions can help us aim for a better future, but time management is the real key to actually achieving those resolutions.
Our grandparents had it easy when it came to time management — society, social norms, business operations and institutions helped them manage their time. Now it’s up to us.
(Ono Kosuki, Piqsels)
It’s no secret that time management has become harder than ever. But it’s not because we work more, or that life is getting faster.
Most of the students surveyed only attended between one and four lectures over a three-week period.
Factors such as not being able to handle their study load and living too far from campus led to students not attending class.
Alessandra Tarantino/AP
Simone Biles’ recent Olympics withdrawal is a reminder for all of us to balance our passions with our emotional well-being — as both work in unison.
Starting out at university can be daunting, even more so amid the uncertainties of a pandemic. But students can maximise their chances of thriving by taking a few simple steps.
Schools are online and many students may find this new learning environment challenging. But organising your time and taking effective notes can help students learn better.
Between email, Slack and social media, you may need three devices to handle all the interruptions.
Artie Medvedev/
Interruptions are inevitable – but how they happen matters.
Djim Loic/Unsplash
Our obsession with busyness is about managing relationships – not just time.
There’s lots to do when a car is driving itself.
Letting cars drive themselves could save some people huge amounts of time. What might they do when they would have been driving?
A more productive moment.
Managing our time means managing ourselves.
The challenges of making new friends, managing schedules and the hormones of puberty can be overwhelming for new high school students.
(Unsplash/Benjamin Voros)
An education psychologist offers tips for parents of new high school kids on everything from navigation to time management.