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Articles on Understanding others' feelings

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You know that feeling when you’re on your plane and every time you open your mouth, dozens of people write down everything you say? Oh, you don’t? Alamy/Henry Nicholls

Why politicians may find it hard to understand ordinary voters

People with higher power and status are less good at reading others – and there’s an unexpected explanation.
Including different facial expressions in fundraising pitches can change how people respond, research suggests.

Do happy faces or sad faces raise more money?

Seeing cheerful kids in fundraising pitches works better for some potential donors than others, research suggests. Nonprofits may want to tailor their appeals to different audiences because of that.
Health professionals needs to be skilled in understanding what the other person is going through, so they can respond appropriately. from

Are our busy doctors and nurses losing empathy for patients?

With more demand on doctors and nurses and a push for quicker consultations, clinical empathy is being dwarfed by the need for efficiency.
It’s argued art helps people cultivate empathy. Heather/Flickr

Do art and literature cultivate empathy?

Empathy is associated with being drawn to the arts, but do they actively promote it or merely appeal to already sensitive souls?

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