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Articles on Universities

Displaying 581 - 600 of 1065 articles

Students from 2015 graduating class of Texas Southmost College. Brad Doherty/AP

Why accountability efforts in higher education often fail

Despite good intentions, efforts to hold colleges and universities accountable often miss the mark. The reasons why range from politics to resistance among the institutions themselves.
The controversial opinions of University of Toronto professor Jordan Peterson have garnered interest around the world and have led to wide media exposure, including this interview with Britain’s Channel 4 News. Channel 4/YouTube

Is Jordan Peterson the philosopher of the fake news era?

Jordan Peterson is now a right-wing darling for his views on everything from transgender people, the #MeToo movement and political correctness on campus. But he’s not saying anything new.
By the time young people get to university, it’s far too late to be initiating education on sexual consent. Shutterstock

Making sexual consent matter: one-off courses are unlikely to help

Some Australian universities have introduced a one-off sexual consent program to combat sexual assault and harassment on campus, but one-off programs are unlikely to be effective in the long term.
Protesters kick in the window at Concordia University as they try to stop a speech by former Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in Montreal in 2002. Netanyahu cancelled the speech citing security concerns. (THE CANADIAN PRESS/Ryan Remiorz)

Freedom of expression is under attack at our universities

In his new book “University Commons Divided,” former University of Saskatchewan President Peter MacKinnon examines the attack on freedom of expression at Canadian universities.
Serial killers are strategic and clever, usually choosing cities or towns in the midst of upheaval to commit their heinous crimes so they can fly under the radar. (Shutterstock)

How serial killers capitalize on chaos, according to an expert

As Toronto reacts to the news that a killer was preying on victims in the city’s gay village, an expert on serial killers explains how violent offenders are more strategic than previously thought.
Exchange students from several universities in ASEAN countries at a university in Thailand. Encouraging trans-ASEAN student mobility is a huge challenge. Thiranun Kunatum/Shutterstock

Trans-ASEAN education can play a role in building a regional community

Southeast Asian countires have a goal to integrate their higher education network to give young generations a truly regional experience. Is it possible?
A professor teaches an online class with students from around the world. AP Photo/Gretchen Ertl

Universities must prepare for a technology-enabled future

Artificial intelligence and automation are bringing changes to higher education that will challenge, and may even threaten, traditional universities.
People demonstrate in Toronto in August 2017 in solidarity with those at a University of Virginia rally against white supremacy. That demonstration ended in tragedy after a woman was killed by a white supremacist. Universities in both the U.S. and Canada are at the centre of fierce debates about free speech and the right of those on the far right to be heard. THE CANADIAN PRESS/Nathan Denette

Campus culture wars: Why universities must ditch the dogma

In such a polarized age, universities and colleges should uphold the core values of liberal education by asserting, through their policies and practices, the reasonable, rational middle ground.

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