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Articles on Universities

Displaying 541 - 560 of 1065 articles

Attending an elite university appears to play a comparatively small role in determining a graduate’s starting salary. Shutterstock

Does it pay to graduate from an ‘elite’ university? Not as much as you’d think

Attending an elite university plays a small role in an undergraduate’s starting salary compared to other factors, such as high ATAR, the field of study they chose and the region in which they work.
International students and immigrants learn about the Canadian workplace at the BEST conference at Dalhousie University in Halifax in March. (Kelly Toughill)

The importance of international students to Atlantic Canada

Ottawa and the governments of all four Maritime provinces have created pathways to help international students transition to permanent resident status. But fear causes too many to return home.
The legacy of capping funding for universities will be a less skilled future workforce, and an Australian youth that miss out on the educational opportunities available to their parents. Shutterstock

Capping university places will mean a less skilled and diverse workforce

Discontinuing the demand driven system will mean less people are able to get a higher education, particularly groups of people who are already at a disadvantage.
Academics who are closely aligned to professional practices in health professions, engineering, teaching and social work also value work integrated learning highly. Shutterstock

Work Integrated Learning: why is it increasing and who benefits?

Work Integrated Learning includes placements, internships and work experience. It is increasing as students are expected to be more work-ready and to contribute to the economy post-graduation.
There are now several new gate-keeping measures to test teacher quality introduced by universities in the last two to three years. Shutterstock

Why we need to review how we test for teacher quality

Australia’s decline in PISA rankings and criticisms of NAPLAN tell us we should also be looking at how we assess teacher quality.
Barney Williams Jr., a residential school survivor, hugs Santa Ono, president of the University of British Columbia, during the opening of the Indian Residential School History and Dialogue Centre at Vancouver, on April 9. THE CANADIAN PRESS/Ben Nelms

A university president apologizes for academia’s role in residential schools

The role of universities in the shameful Indian residential school system needs to be addressed. The president of one of Canada’s leading universities explains why it’s time to apologize.
Through their commitments to, and dependence on, professional education and multidisciplinary research, universities have skin in the epistemic game. Shutterstock

Universities should take stronger leadership on knowledge and how it matters

It’s time to (do more than) talk about knowledge. Universities must take leadership in helping develop students capacity to recognise different kinds of knowledge and work flexibly.
Working out ethical implications forces students to explain what may be vaguely defined plans in a concrete form. Shutterstock

Facebook data: why ethical reviews matter in academic research

Ethical review is often seen as a barrier to research and innovation within universities, but it can be constructive. More attention should be paid to the potential benefits of the process.

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