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Articles on War

Displaying 41 - 60 of 526 articles

Display monitors show the result of voting at the United Nations General Assembly on Dec. 12, 2023, in favour of a resolution calling on Israel to uphold legal and humanitarian obligations in its war with Hamas. (AP Photo/Bebeto Matthews)

The Middle East and Ukraine: The rules of war depend on the nature of the conflict

In war time, the type of conflict determines what formal rules of war apply. But how to determine the nature of the conflict?
The golden Dome of the Rock Islamic shrine, a holy site for Muslims, stands close to the Western Wall, Judaism’s holiest site, in an aerial view of Jerusalem’s Old City. David Silverman/Getty Images

Israelis and Palestinians warring over a homeland is far from unique

Conflicts over the Alsace-Lorraine region and Northern Ireland offer examples of how territory is often at the center of a conflict − and what is necessary to pave the path to peace.
Russian Central Bank Chief Elvira Nabiullina attends a meeting on economic issues in Moscow in February 2023. Central bank reserves are among the Russian state assets that could be seized under Canadian law. (Dmitry Astakhov, Sputnik, Kremlin Pool Photo via AP)

Seizing Russian state assets to rebuild Ukraine: Will it prolong the war, or end it?

Who will pay to rebuild Ukraine? Canada is the first to pass a law allowing Russian state assets to be seized to rebuild Ukraine, but will it discourage Russia from ending the war?
This month, an image of an Israel Defense Forces (IDF) soldier raising the rainbow flag in Gaza went viral. But the photo obscures nuance, context and history. Alexander Grey/Unsplash

In Gaza, a photo of Israeli soldier raising a pride flag ‘in the name of love’ goes viral, ‘pinkwashing’ a war

This month, an image of an Israel Defense Forces (IDF) soldier raising the rainbow flag in Gaza went viral. But the photo obscures nuance, context and history.
Protesters around the world have called for a stop to the fighting between Israel and Hamas. AP Photo/Lindsey Wasson

What would it take for a cease-fire to happen in Gaza?

Calls for a cease-fire in Gaza are driven by humanitarian compassion and principles. But cease-fires are also technically complicated military and political ventures.
A wasteland of concrete and rubble, the aftermath of Israeli airstrikes and artillery bombardments in Gaza City Ali Jadallah/Getty Images

Kids are exposed to violent war images: how you can protect them

Children have constant access to media coverage of armed conflicts, terrorist attacks, mass shootings and other brutal acts. This makes it tough for them to develop a sense of hope for the future.
Left: People gather around the coffins of British-Israelis Lianne Sharabi and her two daughters, Noiya, 16, and Yahel, 13, on Oct. 25. They were killed by Hamas militants on Oct. 7. Right: Palestinians look for survivors of the Israeli bombardment of Gaza in Rafah on Oct. 23. (AP Photo/Ariel Schalit and AP Photo/Hatem Ali)

Why the Israel-Gaza conflict is so hard to talk about

A historian whose family was taken hostage by Hamas, and a geographer with family in the West Bank, get together to discuss a way forward in the Middle East.
Palestinian and Israeli women activists from the Israeli Women Wage Peace movement and the Palestinian Women of the Sun movement sing and dance during the joint platform inauguration ceremony in Jericho in March 2022. (AP Photo/Nasser Nasser)

How women in Israel and Palestine are pushing for peace — together

The joint Women Wage Peace-Women of the Sun initiative unites Israeli and Palestinian women calling for peace. The international community should elevate their voices.

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