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Articles on Wildlife conservation

Displaying 361 - 380 of 526 articles

The debate on whether animals should be kept in captivity or not continues to rage on. Reuters/Muhammad Hamed

Carnivores in captivity: a question of motive and ethics

Some say that keeping wild animals in captivity is cruel. Others believe they promote conservation and give people a link to nature.
Gamba Grass is altering fire regimes in the Top End, threatening human life and property, natural assets including Kakadu and Litchfield National Parks, and compromising savanna burning programs. Samantha Setterfield

Setting priorities for environmental research is daunting when the questions are so huge

One of the Australian government’s new research priorities is “environmental change”. But can be hard to know how to tackle such huge and interlinked issues as climate change and species extinctions.
The killing of Cecil the lion which generated a huge uproar globally presents Zimbabwean an opportune moment to look harder at who benefits from wildlife. Reuters/Eric Miller

Why Cecil the lion offers lessons for land reform and the role of elites

The shooting of Cecil shines light on Zimbabwe’s new elite land politics which excludes the wider population and exposes the racial dimensions of the relationship between wildlife, land and hunting.
There’s nothing feral about this Australian wildcat. Photograph by Angus Emmott

Let’s give feral cats their citizenship

There’s been a lot of talk about killing feral cats, with the government’s recently announced war on cats, with a goal to kill two million by 2020. But let’s embrace cats as part of Australia’s environment.
Humpback whale populations have leapt on both Australia’s east and west coasts. Ari S. Friedlaender (under NMFS permit)

The big comeback: it’s time to declare victory for Australian humpback whale conservation

Chalk it up as a rare conservation win: humpback whales have bounced back so strongly since the whaling era that there is no longer a need to include them on Australia’s official threatened species list.
Feral cats are thought to be responsible for the decline of many Australian species. Melissa Jensen

The war on feral cats will need many different weapons

Feral cats are highly adaptable and highly variable, hence we must continue to search for their Achilles Heel and invest in a wide range of control methods.

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