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Articles on Workforce

Displaying 61 - 80 of 93 articles

Australian sport may only account for 1.6% of total household spend, but its macro impact on the economy is strong. from

Sport is more than just a fringe player in Australia’s economy

Australian sport will never have the commercial clout to bring the economy out of recession or solve a regional unemployment problem. But it is more than a fringe player in the economic game.

Business Briefing: what to do about low incomes

Business Briefing: what to do about low incomes The Conversation10.5 MB (download)
Australia needs to increase productivity in different ways because at the moment living standards are low compared to past years.
There are still many barriers to Indigenous participation and retention in the Australian workforce. Tracey Nearmy/AAP

Eight ways we can improve Indigenous employment

There is an ongoing trend of low workforce participation among Indigenous people, research demonstrates eight ways to improve this.
Does rush hour in London feel a little bit less crowded all of a sudden? JuliusKielaitis/Shutterstock

Why the UK labour market suddenly stopped growing

The drop in the number of people working reflects both more older people taking pensions and an underlying weakness in the economy.
Investing in health will pay off in the workforce. Phillie Casablanca

Why employers need to pay attention to the business of health

Amid all the talk of the UK’s economic recovery it is easy to forget that workforce health is a productivity issue. Over the next 20 years, as our workforce ages, retires later and the risks of more chronic…
Everyone seems to prefer a big punch up. Flickr/Peacay

Doctors bashing Jeremy Hunt is just a Punch and Judy show

It’s a traditional part of the theatre of health policy for trade unionists to give secretaries of state for health a hard time. The latest example of this was the vote of no confidence in Jeremy Hunt…
Millions of workers struggle on the emerging periphery while those at the core enjoy the benefits of stability and skills. Shutterstock

Life on edge as new divide ignored

The Fair Work Commission’s recent wage review may have struck an increased pay deal for low-paid workers but its decision overlooks the growth of a worrying new divide in the Australian workforce. With…
David Cameron meets nurses during an NHS tour but the government doesn’t want to introduce mandatory staffing levels. PA

Finding the golden ratio for hospital nurses

Senior nurses warned this week that the number of patients looked after by nurses has become dangerously high in some hospitals. Quoting research from the University of Southampton, the Safe Staffing Alliance…
Researchers say labour capacity is being reduced during hot months as a result of climate change. AAP/Kimimasa Mayama

Climate change linked to declines in labour productivity

Increases in humidity caused as a result of climate change are reducing labour productivity and it’s only likely to get worse over time, argue researchers from America’s National Oceanic and Atmospheric…

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