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Business + Economy – Articles, Analysis, Comment

Displaying 6926 - 6950 of 7441 articles

Our conduct has damaged relations with Indonesia and has serious implications for the environment. AAP

Australia owes Indonesia an apology over live export calamity

Indonesia’s decision to cut live cattle imports from Australia is the clearest example yet of the significant and long-lasting damage that June’s export ban did to relations with our nearest neighbour…
Young people are subjected to the most harmful economic effects of the two-speed economy.

Youth unemployment: a two-speed divide?

Much of the commentary around the “two-speed” economy focuses on the differences between the gains made by mining-related sectors and other parts of the Australian economy that have slowed in recent years…
New platforms and services will face the same requirements for content as traditional media. AAP

Convergence Review heralds a dramatic shift in Australian media

Light on detail and raising many more questions than it answers, yesterday’s Convergence Review interim report is still bold and far-reaching, driven by a fundamentally optimistic view of the future for…
Reducing the finance costs of housing will also reduce house prices. Flickr/kennymatic

A house for half the cost? Here’s how

Welcome to Safe as Houses, a series delving into a topic close to the heart of many Australians – property. This is not a series on where the market might be heading. Instead we aim to explore how we view…
Australia’s media landscape may face another shakeup with the release of the Federal Government’s convergence review. AAP

Media convergence review is light on detail – and on regulation

The Federal Government’s Convergence Review has released its interim report, recommending the scrapping of existing cross-media ownership rules and that commercial operators be given “certainty” around…
The US Occupy movement has turned its attention from corporate greed to the housing market. AAP

As the Occupy movement targets housing, what can we learn here?

Welcome to Safe as Houses, a series delving into a topic close to the heart of many Australians – property. This is not a series on where the market might be heading. Instead we aim to explore how we view…
The Federal Government’s draft energy white paper outlines a future where Australia still depends on fossil fuels. AAP

Australia’s draft energy white paper misses the big picture

The release of Australia’s draft energy white paper has outlined a future where Australia continues to be largely dependent on fossil fuels, embraces uranium and expands existing deregulation and privatisation…
The claim of “free to roam” is being challenged by the consumer regulator.

Impressions count when it comes to misleading consumers

Christmas is coming, which means consumers are out looking for great deals to fill stockings and feed the family. And for retailers and manufacturers, the temptation to add “spin” to their marketing is…
British Prime Minister David Cameron had no choice but to reject the EU plan and was right to do so. AAP

Why Cameron can’t afford to get fiscal with the EU

Last week’s EU Brussels summit produced a tentative fiscal compact, a mild boost of the European Financial Stability Facility’s (EFSF) reserves to €500 billion, and an acrimonious split between Britain…
The way the Federal Government has handled the Australia Network tender could see it forced to pay compensation to Sky News. AAP

Is the Federal Government legally liable for treating Sky News unfairly?

The Australian Government’s handling of just who should run the Australia Network is manifestly controversial. And it may have put itself in the position of having to pay out compensation to the passed-over…
ANZ and NAB have cut their mortgage rates. Will the other two major banks follow suit? AAP

Are banks gouging by not passing on interest rate cut?

ANZ and National Australia Bank have passed on the Reserve Bank of Australia’s 0.25% interest rate cut to mortgage holders, lowering their standard variable rates. Treasurer Wayne Swan called on the big…
A Pakistani missile launches during a 2008 test-firing. The country has a poor record on nuclear weapons. AAP

Why Australia must not sell uranium to Pakistan

Predictably, Pakistan is seeking equal treatment with India on uranium sales from Australia. Pakistan’s High Commissioner to Australia Abdul Malik Abdullah has argued that if Australia changes its policy…
Sir Rod Eddington: unless the rail networks are right, Australia’s cities won’t work properly. Supplied

Sir Rod Eddington: ‘The infrastructure challenges are real’

Welcome to In Conversation; an ongoing series in which leading academics interview prominent public figures. In today’s instalment, Dr Peter Newman, Professor of Sustainability at Curtin University, sits…
Banks increasingly choose not to follow the lead of Reserve Bank of Australia Governor Glenn Stevens on interest rates. AAP

Should banks be compelled to pass on interest rate cuts?

As Reserve Bank of Australia board members gather today to ponder Australia’s cash rate, financial markets are having a bet each way the RBA will cut rates amid the release of data reflecting a softening…
Despite happy appearances, the two leaders disagree the way out of the Eurozone crisis. AAP

A make-or-break week: Can Sarkozy and Merkel save the euro?

What could be a decisive week for Europe and its common currency has begun, with the announcement of a package of fiscal austerity measures in Italy. Markets, European partners, and – perhaps above all…
A prospective voter - will the Gillard government’s paid maternity leave scheme affect the birth rate? AAP

The baby bonus failed to increase fertility - but we should still keep it

Although the introduction of the baby bonus in 2004 was designed to provide financial assistance to families, a clear pro-natalist intent was also apparent. Treasurer Peter Costello’s quip is now famous…